Command Line Magic at 2012-12-07T19:41:49+00:00
date +"<P>This document was created on %F</P>" >> doc.html # Add a created on note at bottom of page. Not enough people do this.Hilton Garcia Fernandes, doxanthropos, Carlos Solís likes this.
Hilton Garcia Fernandes, Hilton Garcia Fernandes, ®om, ®om and 4 others shared this.
gabe at 2010-12-17T21:56:35+00:00
"I tried to apt-get a life, but there were just too many dependencies." !qNemo, Odin Omdal Hørthe, deitarion, DJ psi36 aka Dimi and 8 others likes this.
Kipngetich Ibrahim Ngeno, Kipngetich Ibrahim Ngeno, Morag, Morag and 18 others shared this.