duritong duritong@identi.ca
2013-06-21T07:19:29+00:00 via api To: a(n) person, Public
RT @nigelkersten Preach it @samkottler ! If you're using config mgnt, learn how to make packages. #velocityconf2013-06-05T17:49:49+00:00 via api To: a(n) person, Public
RT @lusis: New blog post (written under duress): Devops - the title match - http://goo.gl/aUkca2013-06-02T12:01:41+00:00 via api To: Security Enhanced Linux, Public
RT @majorhayden OH: I love that http://ur1.ca/e446i site. People need to stop making @rhatdan cry. He's a nice guy. !selinux2013-05-27T20:14:28+00:00 To: Public
RT @kwadronaut "How did u find out we were outsourcing to techies abroad with a shitty wage?" "U were using Indian Deb mirrors in the doc"2013-05-23T14:55:39+00:00 To: Public
RT @KrisBuytaert Why you shouldn't hire a devops http://bit.ly/16Qfpc22013-04-30T11:17:48+00:00 To: Public
RT @auxesis Repeat after me: there is no such thing as a "devops team". If you think there is, you are missing the entire point.2013-04-29T09:36:01+00:00 To: Public
RT @garannm: Why are open source devs not sponsored like skateboarders?2013-04-29T16:12:48+00:00 To: Public
RT @netzticker: Swico fordert Nichteintreten auf BÜPF-Revision http://bit.ly/14GkPW42013-04-22T09:28:43+00:00 To: Public
Although Fred George first bashed #devops he later talks literally about it while telling stories about implementing anarchy... #railsberry2013-04-19T11:08:44+00:00 To: Public
RT @ohadlevy try running puppet help help help help help #puppetcampCyber Fnox shared this.
2013-04-19T07:52:06+00:00 To: The Anarcat, Public
RT @anarcat #google finally did the right thing and re-enabled #xmpp federation, congrats big brother! http://ur1.ca/dfpxrCyber Fnox, Cyber Fnox shared this.
2013-04-17T16:41:21+00:00 To: Public
RT @ch2500 Argh, found a server without puppet.2013-04-15T19:59:23+00:00 To: Public
2013-04-14T14:45:55+00:00 To: Public
RT @Cropcho: I won't consider #Bitcoin a serious currency until mainstream rappers tell me they have lots of it.2013-04-10T12:10:06+00:00 To: Public
RT @stumpsyn: Goodbye, Igal. We lost a dear friend and community member today. http://ur1.ca/dc0232013-04-10T20:59:18+00:00 To: Public
RT @rabble I'm not sure what you're all upset about, Zimbabwe had a currency as volatile as bitcoin, and they're doing great.2013-04-05T10:09:03+00:00 To: Public
RT @angryonrails Postgresql went so far in replicating MongoDB features that they accidentally included the loses-all-your-data feature.2013-04-03T15:49:29+00:00 To: a(n) person, Public
RT @raphink: Run rspec-puppet and serverspec unit tests in your Puppet runs http://ur1.ca/d942o2013-04-01T12:36:25+00:00 To: Public
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