2013-01-30T21:08:21+00:00 in Sherbrooke, Quebec, Canada To: Public
Screenshots of the upcoming Edubuntu Server product. It will be able to act as a domain server that will be compatible with MS AD. #ubuntu2013-01-30T21:03:31+00:00 in Sherbrooke, Quebec, Canada To: Public
The new Ktouch looks nice, it will also be included in the next Edubuntu version: http://ur1.ca/cnign #ubuntu #edubuntu #ktouch2013-01-30T06:15:05+00:00 in Sherbrooke, Quebec, Canada To: Public
Google sponsors 15 000 Raspberry Pis for schools: http://ur1.ca/cnazj2013-01-30T06:13:42+00:00 in Sherbrooke, Quebec, Canada To: Public
2013-01-21T00:11:43+00:00 in Sherbrooke, Quebec, Canada To: Public
Elizabeth Krumbach: All 100 Edubuntu computers in Ghana have been deployed! http://ur1.ca/ckqak #ubuntu #edubuntu2012-11-23T15:45:35+00:00 To: Public
New release of GCompris! We'll do what we can to get it into 13.04 and have it at least in a PPA for 12.04: http://ur1.ca/baeuw #ubuntu2012-11-20T20:17:52+00:00 To: Public
2012-11-20T20:16:05+00:00 To: Public
Edubuntu experience (Asturian) http://ur1.ca/b5whh2012-09-11T16:46:37+00:00 in Sherbrooke, Quebec, Canada To: Public
Elizabeth Krumbach is going to Ghana to deploy Edubuntu - she's taking unpaid leave so consider making a donation! http://ur1.ca/a75n92012-04-26T12:05:47+00:00 in Sherbrooke, Quebec, Canada To: Public
2011-11-23T21:08:07+00:00 To: Public
SchoolTool 2.0 is released and is looking super-slick! http://schooltool.org/2011-11-08T14:11:13+00:00 To: Public
Edubuntu now has a Google+ Page! http://ping.fm/Q4wwL #ubuntu2011-09-06T19:03:29+00:00 To: Public
Stephane Graber: Help Translate Edubuntu 11.10 - http://ping.fm/0ZBqU2011-09-04T12:47:35+00:00 To: Public
Ask Engadget: Best Linux desktop for kids? http://ping.fm/R93Xp2011-07-24T21:07:17+00:00 To: Public
OMG!Ubuntu - Linux4Hope takes old computers, installs Ubuntu, gives them to people in need - http://ping.fm/0pBG02011-07-22T13:20:59+00:00 To: Public
Belinda Lopez: #Kidsoncomputers.org #Edubuntu Installfest at OSCON http://ping.fm/1s2XJ edubuntu kidsoncomputers2011-07-17T21:44:17+00:00 To: Public
Wired.com: How Khan Academy is Changing the Rules of Education: http://ping.fm/NNELu2011-07-17T15:40:28+00:00 To: Public
When Microsoft approaches your school for software donations, be very careful what you sign up for: http://ping.fm/igyG02011-06-14T15:24:18+00:00 To: Public
2011-05-10T08:16:12+00:00 To: Public