Ed Fonseca edythemighty@identi.ca
kenami / Martín Ponce at 2012-02-25T18:40:49+00:00
Qué difícil es hablar el español http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Xyp7xt-ygy0Ed Fonseca likes this.
joshix at 2011-09-06T05:52:42+00:00
So I'm a parent now. Roll up, duck, take cover, and all of the wine is for me.Ed Fonseca, null, Deceased. Please use 'andyc@pumpdog.me'., Michele Azzolari and 3 others likes this.
Show all 5 replies@joshix If your internet output is any indication, I think you'll make an awesome dad. Congratumalations!Psychedelic Squid (identi.ca side) at 2011-09-06T06:00:37+00:00
@joshix if you'd have got a dog instead it would have been much more impressive when you taught it to read and play poker.rpcutts at 2011-09-06T06:16:31+00:00
joshix, Psychedelic Squid (identi.ca side) likes this.
@joshix congratulations. My advice is not to listen to any parenting advice, including this ;)Congrats @joshix! Twenty years of misery to look forward to now :-)Alvaro at 2011-04-24T03:13:17+00:00
Back when I was reading Batman Year 100, I did it listening to NIN's Year Zero, so it sort of became Year 100's soundtrack to me.Ed Fonseca likes this.
joshix at 2011-04-10T01:48:38+00:00
Actually, violence is sometimes the answer. But Perl still isn't.Ed Fonseca likes this.
@joshix I like Perl for putting bizarrely formatted data into a more sane shape: often someone else already has written what I need.Craig Maloney at 2011-03-28T03:57:24+00:00
Quantum Mechanics may be neat and all, but the way they toss around uncertainty principles, I'm never letting them do an oil change.Ed Fonseca likes this.
Ed Fonseca, Ed Fonseca shared this.
frankenspock at 2010-04-20T23:36:30+00:00
@edythemighty 'cause otherwise we're totally blaming Germany for taking away Hitler...Ed Fonseca likes this.
Ed Fonseca, Ed Fonseca shared this.
Patrick McFarland at 2010-03-05T23:01:42+00:00
'Negatively strange' antihypermatter made out of gold http://ur1.ca/oimi !scienceEd Fonseca likes this.
frankenspock at 2010-03-05T22:30:10+00:00
I'm about to make everyone born before 1980 feel terribly old: Paul "Crocodile Dundee" Hogan is now 70 years old.Ed Fonseca likes this.
@frankenspock oh shit@frankenspock And the real "Crocodile Dundee" died in a firefight many years ago.Deceased. Please use 'andyc@pumpdog.me'. at 2010-03-05T17:20:48+00:00
I guess the massive snow cock would have to be covered covered in transparent polythene. Like a massive condom.Ed Fonseca likes this.
Jon Phillips at 2010-03-04T23:30:32+00:00
While we announced OSTATUS 1.0 and RELEASED StatusNet 0.9 software today, we need developers help on this. We have bigger announces soon!Ed Fonseca likes this.
Ed Fonseca, Ed Fonseca shared this.
JC John Sese Cuneta at 2010-03-03T08:04:46+00:00
"If you can’t see YouTube, your life on the web is pretty miserable. You’re missing a lot." ~ Le Hegaret !qEd Fonseca likes this.
Haris bin Ali at 2010-02-27T03:12:40+00:00
Review of the Nokia N900 http://post.ly/PoImEd Fonseca likes this.
Zach Copley at 2010-02-25T04:58:49+00:00
Wow, 5yo just taught 1yo how to brush his teeth! #babybookEvan Prodromou, Ed Fonseca, frankenspock likes this.
@zach I hope you got a picture of that!Maxime Pelletier at 2010-02-23T05:07:59+00:00
"Roadsend PHP is an open source implementation of the PHP language." Wow, those guys are crazy. Well, maybe not after thinking about monoEd Fonseca likes this.
joshix at 2010-02-20T05:08:51+00:00
USB-powered electric smokeless left-handed herbal jazz cigaretteHippy Steve, Ed Fonseca likes this.
Deceased. Please use 'andyc@pumpdog.me'. at 2010-02-18T08:13:20+00:00
When they reluctantly and nervously acede, I then say 'How many CPU cores and physical memory in server 'vbprod34c' ? Nice ice breaker.Ed Fonseca likes this.
frankenspock at 2010-02-18T20:11:38+00:00
"But what about his career?" you say...Ed Fonseca likes this.
@frankenspock I was reading your posts just as that part of the song came on. COSMIC COINCIDENCE?!laurelrusswurm at 2010-02-17T19:26:55+00:00
Another set of subtitles: Hitler on the Vancouver Olympics: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VV3pSuseMsM&feature=youtu.beEd Fonseca likes this.
Patrick Haverkamp at 2010-02-17T19:19:31+00:00
#chrowety is crappy name, but isnt half bad..Ed Fonseca likes this.
Deceased. Please use 'andyc@pumpdog.me'. at 2010-02-17T17:05:29+00:00
'The Lord God Almighty (@god) is now listening to your notices on Identi.ca.' People will never believe me but still...Ed Fonseca likes this.