European Privacy Seal europrise@identi.ca
EuroPriSe is an independent European trust mark to distinguish privacy-friendly products and services.
Yves Heuvelink yvesheuvelink@identi.ca
Dronten, Netherlands
Ik ben Yves en zit in de marketing en bouw websites voor bedrijven en zelfstandigen.
Jeffry Byron jeffrybyron183@identi.ca
Oakland, United States
I am the owner of a company called PLUMBING SPECIALISTS. Located in Oakland, CA we provide residential and commercial plumbing services.
Sven Thomsen sventhomsen@identi.ca
Kiel, Germany
Unix-Geek, FreeBSD, OpenBSD, Ubuntu, Solaris, Android, Ruby on Rails, Datenschutz, IT-Sicherheit, Kieler, SPD