n2x evenorbert@identi.ca
2016-04-27T10:53:16Z via Identi.ca Web CC: Public
2012-01-13T20:55:55+00:00 To: Public
Football field preperation: http://goo.gl/2uDwS Go Pack! Go!2012-01-06T14:14:44+00:00 To: LWN.net, Public
Sad news. Mandriva was the 1st distro I've tried to install. ♻ @lwnnet: Is Mandriva Finished This Time? (OStatic) http://ur1.ca/7ab6fGlyn Moody shared by n2x at 2012-01-04T16:06:36+00:00 via Choqok To: Public
Open document standards mandatory in #Hungary government - http://bit.ly/x11S6B schools moving too #openstandardsRenata Avila, Jure Repinc (JLP) likes this.
n2x, n2x, Harish Pillay, Harish Pillay shared this.
2011-12-30T19:57:25+00:00 To: Public
re: And Yet It Moves - never mind I've found it in ~/.Broken Rules2011-12-30T19:48:08+00:00 To: Public
Superb! I lost my And Yet It Moves save games. Does anybody where the game puts them? (Linux version of course)2011-12-05T18:50:04+00:00 To: Public
Please somebody stop this: "Firefox is dead" nonsense. Firefox is well and alive. It's a great browser.2011-08-26T08:17:27+00:00 To: Public
According to the creators of the newest Counter Strike, cross platform means Windows and Mac. :( F*** you!2011-08-24T19:47:21+00:00 To: Public
Installing !Mandriva RC 2 in Vbox. I saw some screenshots. It changed a lot.2011-08-22T17:21:26+00:00 To: a(n) person, Public
How can I hide the menu in kwrite/kate in !kde?@evenorbert right click on the menu toolbar and uncheck it.Rajit Vikram Singh shared by n2x at 2011-08-21T14:00:17+00:00 via web To: Public
!KDE is beautiful without being unusable.Ricardo Chung, Ricardo Chung, n2x, n2x shared this.
@rajitsingh interesting attempt at a contrast.2011-08-08T07:33:04+00:00 To: Public
Crayon Physics is awesome.2011-08-07T10:27:58+00:00 To: Public
It's funny that Revenge of the Titans only works with the open source ATI drivers.2011-08-06T17:02:35+00:00 To: Public
Don't blame Apple for patent woes. Somebody is truely blind: http://ur1.ca/4uyos #apple #patent #troll cc: #schestowitz #glynmoody2011-07-23T12:47:25+00:00 To: a(n) person, Public
Created a nice, simple !Mageia wallpaper: http://goo.gl/i8QkP I like the default wallpaper too.2011-07-22T20:20:56+00:00 To: Public
After about an hour I'm very impressed with Mageia.2011-07-13T08:02:44+00:00 To: Public
Everybody complains about Firefox version numbering. Where were you when Google Chrome started this thing?2011-07-13T07:51:49+00:00 To: Public
A nagy Google Chrome teszt http://goo.gl/fb/UpVe82011-07-13T07:46:26+00:00 To: Public
Another WordPress update? Not again...2011-07-12T08:24:18+00:00 To: a(n) person, Public
Linus Torvalds is on !googleplus. :o