Fabien Niñoles fabien@identi.ca
Cà Mau, Vietnam
Free Software developer, RPG theorist, writer and dancer / Dévelopeur de logiciels libres, jeuderôlogiste, écrivain et danseur.
Glyn Moody at 2011-06-18T08:13:11+00:00
The Imminent #Dollar Collapse, Explained To An 8-Year-Old - http://bit.ly/k3nSHt so how is this going to end? #economicsMerike Sell, Fabien Niñoles likes this.
Fabien Niñoles, Fabien Niñoles shared this.
Fabian Rodriguez at 2010-07-07T23:41:01+00:00
Antidote, un excellent correcteur + grand dictionnaire français pour Win, Mac mais aussi !Ubuntu !yul !uqc !linux http://ur1.ca/0lfq3alphazo, Fabien Niñoles likes this.
naw at 2010-06-04T14:46:51+00:00
ejabberd_2.1.4 just released You may have problems connecting to it if you use the spark client http://ur1.ca/05gva !xmppFabien Niñoles likes this.
Fabien Niñoles, Fabien Niñoles shared this.