Gustavo Charlys GustavoCharlys@mipump.es
Newbie cuasi paranoide en proceso de liberación. Cada vez respiro mejor!!!
Sebas Pedersen sebasped@fmrl.me
Santos Lugares, 3 de Febrero, Buenos Aires, Argentina.
Estudiante de Matemática en la Universidad de Buenos Aires, Argentina. Usuario y amante del software libre. I'm a Math student at University of Buenos Aires, Argentina. I'm free software user and fan. e-mail: sebasped (at) openmailbox (dot) org sebasped (at) member (dot) fsf (dot) org Jabber/XMPP: sebasped (at) openmailbox (dot) org sebasped (at) parabola (dot) nu sebasped (at) member (dot) fsf (dot) org sebasped (at) suchat (dot) org sebasped (at) jabb3r (dot) org Diaspora*: https://joindiaspora.com/u/sebasped pump.io: https://fmrl.me/sebasped StatusNet / GNU social: https://status.vinilox.eu/sebasped FSF member: sebasped #12562 Friendica: https://myfriendica.net/profile/sebasped GNU MediaGoblin: http://gobblin.se/u/sebasped/ Freenode: sebasped
Kate J Davis eutouring@identi.ca
Clacton-on-Sea, United Kingdom
http://www.eutouring.com Kate Davis - European traveller and author of travel to guides to Paris holidays for a holiday in Paris.
Carlos Augusto ARES arescorpio@identi.ca
Gūshdūn, Iran
Microelectronics,Robotics,Free Software and Open Source OS
Tiberiu C. Turbureanu tct@social.ceata.org
București, România
Tibi este inginer în știința calculatoarelor și activist pentru drepturile utilizatorilor. Este fondatorul și președintele Fundației Ceata, o organizație românească dedicată programelor de calculator libere și culturii libere.
derechoaleer derechoaleer@identi.ca
Esteban Carnevale alfplayer@identi.ca
Buenos Aires, Argentina
System administrator - Interests: GNU/Linux, free software, software development
Tiberiu C. Turbureanu tct@identi.ca
Bucharest, Romania
Free software activist and developer, community leader of Ceata. My new pump.io handle: tct@social.ceata.org. I won't be needing identi.ca anymore.
Oscar zambrano comanche@identi.ca
Sesteadero, Venezuela
Fiel al movimiento de GNU, luchador de la libertad en su máxima expresión.