Fefes Blog fefesblog@identi.ca
Fefesblog-to-Identi.ca. Bei Problemen/Fragen bei @silsha melden.
Matthias Wimmer mawis@identi.ca
Múnich Beieren Germany Eŭropa
A developper for embedded, java and mobile applications that loves sailing.
mcsox@fmrl.me mcsox@fmrl.me
South-West of Germany
(male) aka http://quitter.se/mcscx https://identi.ca/mcscx https://twitter.com/mcscx
Holger Durer hd@identi.ca
South-east England, United Kingdom
Father, husband, programmer. Interests: Free software, privacy and related politics, programming (mainly Lisps). Talk to me in English, German, or Esperanto.
Thiruvelan thiruvelan@identi.ca
Author - write articles about Diabetes, Cholesterol, Blood Pressure & Insomnia using Healthy Lifestyle (Diet & Exercise), Medicines, Herbs Yoga, Acupressure & Reflexology. I am author & editor of https://healthy-ojas.com
Sebastian Köhler bahnfuehrer@identi.ca
Lokführer, Familienvater, Trabantfahrer, Hobbygrafiker, Linuxfahrer,
Basisgurke piratenschlumpf@identi.ca
Meine Mudda war im Herzen schon immer Pirat Retweet≠Zustimmung Sarkasmuswarnung Vertrau keinem Pirat,informier Dich Koordinator PG GO NRW
Julian Smith clearantifog@identi.ca
Las Vegas, United States
At C-Clear we manufacture anti-fog gel and liquid for glasses. C-Clear is also an anti-static lens cleaner.