Radical Queer radicalqueer@identi.ca
*freie funken* freiefunken@identi.ca
(avatar template: photo by Sissssou http://is.gd/oQtHQU (BY-SA))
The Ada Initiative adainitiative@identi.ca
Global Village, India
Supporting women in open technology and culture
plomlompom plomlompom@identi.ca
Berlin, Germany
futurist, nostalgiac, post-cinephile, pseudo-singularitarian, meme & identity network; 28/m/internet. All my own dent texts: public domain.
sofias. pink sofias@identi.ca
i like sugar, green things and designing systems. i think following orders, acting normal and being natural is quite a waste of time.
ugla anderson uglaa@identi.ca
Warum ist es so wie es ist? .. habe keine Ahnung wies optimal wäre! .. Haben wir den selben Weg? .. Der Weg ist das Ziel! :-D
Rigo Wenning rigo@identi.ca
IAAL and succumbed to computers as early as 1987. Had a focus on data protection for a long time. Now additionally copyright and general IPR