Greg Rundlett freephile@identi.ca
Salisbury, MA
father of two; advocate for freedom in technology https://freephile.org https://eQuality-Tech.com
2013-03-01T03:39:40+00:00 in Massachusetts, United States via Gwibber To: Public
gwibber, you resource hog rm -rf /home/USER/.local/share/desktop-couch/\.?gwibber*2011-02-24T03:17:07+00:00 in Massachusetts, United States via Gwibber To: Public
Purvottanasana is harder than it looks, but Chakorasana /is/ as hard as it looks http://is.gd/uSnuyy2011-02-24T02:42:50+00:00 in Massachusetts, United States via Gwibber To: Public
loved yoga today! I've been working on my strength, balance and flexibility so when I tried a handstand, I just did it on the third attempt