fwix fwix@identi.ca
Software developer, hacker and tinkerer / #GNU #Debian #python #openwrt #arduino #openmoko #N900 #maemo user / #afpy #april #gwadalug member
Torstein Finnbakk tofi@identi.ca
comunication, journalism, MC, motorcycles, writing, photography, blues, litterature, books, films, movies
moebius eye moebiuseye@identi.ca
passionate programer. Free software lover. (Free as in "free speech".) Linux user number: #513938
jeannedhack jeannedhack@identi.ca
denkyemone denkyemone@identi.ca
Jean-Marc Liotier liotier@identi.ca
Paris, France
Infovore, father, photography, roller-skating, cycling, Africa, Free software, open networks, adventure, wargaming, cooking and more geekery