Gavin Carr gavincarr@identi.ca
Sydney, Australia
Citizen hacker, free software advocate, linux systems guy, web monkey.
2013-06-14T05:48:12+00:00 in Sydney, Australia via spoor To: Public
Spending the afternoon playing with dbpedia, RDF, and SPARQL #sendlifeboats2013-06-06T10:10:09+00:00 in Sydney, Australia via spoor To: Public
@bengrubb I have tools that can help map ips back to organisations, if that's useful (beyond simple reverse dns).2013-06-05T05:28:53+00:00 in Sydney, Australia via spoor To: Public
2013-06-05T01:24:03+00:00 in Sydney, Australia via spoor To: Jason Riedy, Public
@jasonriedy Yep, that could definitely be a factor.2013-06-05T01:06:09+00:00 in Sydney, Australia via spoor To: Perl users, Public
Just bitten by !perl's eval $@ clobbering bug in perl 5.10. First time I've been affected by the age of perl on rhel/centos 6.@gavincarr Because you use a western European character set...2013-06-01T00:24:09+00:00 in Sydney, Australia via spoor To: a(n) person, Public
@computershare After resetting password I need an Activation Code. There's no option for "Please reset/resend it to me." #fail #ux2013-06-01T00:22:04+00:00 in Sydney, Australia via spoor To: a(n) person, Public
@computershare Password reset form doesn't indicate what characters are acceptable - you're left to guess (and disallowing chars is dumb).2013-06-01T00:14:15+00:00 in Sydney, Australia via spoor To: a(n) person, Public
@computershare Your password reset form doesn't accept punctuation in passwords, but gives no errors, just displays form again. #fail #ux2013-05-22T05:50:11+00:00 in Sydney, Australia To: a(n) person, Public
♻ @shermozle Seriously clever idea. Public document timestamping through the Bitcoin blockchain. http://ur1.ca/dz6q92013-05-17T09:52:08+00:00 in Sydney, Australia To: Public
So ASIC tries to block a website by blackholing an IP, taking 1200 other sites down? Not sure who's more incompetent, ASIC or the telcos!2013-05-16T02:06:03+00:00 in Sydney, Australia To: Public
Though the SSL cipher list recommended there looks vulnerable to BEAST (article from 2011). More up-to-date: http://ofn.me/tls12013-05-16T01:44:09+00:00 in Sydney, Australia To: Public
Nice read on tuning SSL ciphers for performance: http://ur1.ca/dvhay2013-05-07T02:04:07+00:00 in Sydney, Australia To: Public
Using jq for the first time in anger http://ur1.ca/dq1x5 Slicing and dicing that json like there was no tomorrow.2013-04-23T05:50:10+00:00 in Sydney, Australia To: Public
Made the switch from screen to tmux recently. So far: loving it.2013-04-19T02:36:08+00:00 in Sydney, Australia To: Public
Ordered a lamp from http://ur1.ca/dfoss in Cremorne yesterday afternoon. Delivered this morning. Awesome! #kudos2013-04-19T02:24:04+00:00 in Sydney, Australia To: flare2004, Public
@flare2004 I figured you should have at least one busy day next week :-P2013-04-19T01:36:09+00:00 in Sydney, Australia To: Public
Just packaged 16 perl modules for !centos and submitted bugfix patches for Syntax::Feature::EachOnArray. Now ... breakfast!Vans Schoenen, Vans Schoenen shared this.
2013-04-18T04:52:03+00:00 in Sydney, Australia To: Public
And 5 mins later the sun's out. You crazy autumn weather!2013-04-18T04:46:07+00:00 in Sydney, Australia To: Public
Impressive hailstorm underway here in Wahroonga, NSW. 1/2 cm hailstones.2013-03-21T01:30:13+00:00 in Sydney, Australia To: Public
In my Google Reader replacement hunt, the current leader is the brief firefox addon http://ur1.ca/4k4v5