2013-01-25T01:30:48+00:00 in Boston, United States To: Public
Sonar project on indiegogo! We need your help - http://ur1.ca/cl5mu2013-01-07T00:46:47+00:00 in Boston, United States To: Public
sign up for the Northeast GNU/Linuxfest mailing list - http://ur1.ca/cfbyp2013-01-06T04:40:00+00:00 in Boston, United States To: Public
Tentative schedule for the Northeast GNU/Linuxfest - http://ur1.ca/cf3yvNortheast GNU/Linuxfest
2012-12-27T15:56:13+00:00 To: Public
Jonathan Nadeau likes this.
Jonathan Nadeau, Jonathan Nadeau shared this.
Russ Wenner shared by Bruce at 2012-08-26T02:01:35+00:00 via web To: Public
Check out the 12 hour live podcast (noon to midnight ET) benefiting The Accessible Computing Foundation at http://thenewradio.net/2012-08-12T01:57:35+00:00 in Boston, United States To: Public
30 days and counting down before I close all of my google accounts.2012-08-08T08:39:04+00:00 in Manchester, New Hampshire, United States To: Public
...and then there were two, now just using Debian for me and Mint for my wife.2012-08-04T01:21:22+00:00 in Boston, United States To: Public
Slowly weaning myself from Google's grip. I closed my google + account this evening. Returning full time to identica!2012-07-14T21:05:41+00:00 in Boston, United States To: murph, Public
@murph we'd only take up 15mins of your time2012-07-14T21:05:03+00:00 in Boston, United States To: murph, Public
@murph would you be available to speak with John N and Bruce P about the hope conference tonight on freedomcast?2011-05-20T21:13:01+00:00 in Boston, United States To: Public
Need something to do? Join the online LUG tonight we use mumble server: (name) address: ch1.teamspeak.cc port:64747 username:(anything)2011-03-20T03:34:16+00:00 in Boston, United States To: Public
Hey Murph, what did you think of libreplanet?2011-01-13T13:13:05+00:00 in Boston, United States To: Public
still digging out after we got 27 inches of snow!2011-01-08T17:44:19+00:00 in Los Angeles, California, United States To: Public
In case you didn'2011-01-07T10:53:12+00:00 in Los Angeles, California, United States To: Public
I would like to go - http://consumerist.com/2011/01/photos-day-1-ces-2011.html2010-12-25T05:52:28+00:00 in Boston, United States To: Public
Remember only YOU can keep Krampus away for the holidays!2010-12-20T12:40:02+00:00 in Boston, United States To: Public
Key to great coffee? Scalding hot water and a new Krupp's coffee maker. Yes, I grind my own. I grind it to dust, I'd inhale if I could.2010-12-19T04:57:53+00:00 in Boston, United States To: Public
For something different - http://blog.wfmu.org/freeform/station_manager_kens/index.html2010-12-19T03:19:23+00:00 in Boston, United States To: Public
@regexorcist You're a mad man! I will dl and listen in the morning! I like your spin on podcasting.