2013-04-29T12:47:58+00:00 To: Public
"Eleven Bizarre Things People Say About #Linux" As in calling it 'Linux'?? :-P http://ur1.ca/dldv32013-04-08T11:30:45+00:00 To: Public
News from the past: The Public Domain Review - Mary Toft and Her Extraordinary Delivery of Rabbits http://ur1.ca/db3512013-04-08T09:05:04+00:00 To: FFKP, Public
@sambruk_se, KIVOS och @FFKP har tillsammans startat en svensk FixaMinGata: http://ur1.ca/db1lv2013-04-07T09:48:08+00:00 To: Jonas Öberg, Rikard Fröberg, Public
Just watched "#Hackers: Wizards of the Electronic Age" from 1984. Cutting edge technology and a young #rms. @blondinrikard @jonaso2013-03-21T10:17:54+00:00 To: Jonas Öberg, Commons Machinery, Public
Redoing my pretty #LibreOfficeCalc chart over number of #CC licensed photos. Why did @jonaso & @cmisab ask me to do charts again??2013-03-19T12:44:52+00:00 To: Commons Machinery, Public
@cmisab and @morus are be back from lunch. Nothing says 'efficiency' like too much food...2013-03-19T09:54:47+00:00 To: Commons Machinery, Public
2013-03-19T13:00:52+00:00 To: Morus konsult AB, Commons Machinery, Public
2013-03-18T15:29:35+00:00 To: Jonas Öberg, Public
@jonaso is making me take "Introduction to #SemanticWeb" One prerequisite is: fluent in #Java. But apparently that is somehow not important.2013-03-18T15:17:46+00:00 To: Jonas Öberg, Commons Machinery, Public
2013-03-13T15:51:18+00:00 To: Public
"Holy Bonsai wolves: Chihuahuas and the Paris Hilton syndrome" http://ur1.ca/d1zs3 #SAGE #openaccess2013-03-13T15:01:34+00:00 To: Jonas Öberg, Public
2013-03-12T08:12:42+00:00 To: Rikard Fröberg, Public
@blondinrikard, here's an e-book for you :D "Applying open source principles to government" http://ur1.ca/d1kwi (@cmisab)2013-03-11T08:27:03+00:00 To: Public
2013-03-06T16:13:53+00:00 To: Public
2013-03-06T15:50:46+00:00 To: Public
"#Europeana startar kampanj för bättre uppmärkning av #metadata" by @arkland_swe http://ur1.ca/czm8n2013-03-01T09:18:17+00:00 To: Commons Machinery, Public
Never ask a book-person to do charts... Or they might change the text format and then become completely bewildered. @cmisab2013-03-01T09:02:21+00:00 To: Commons Machinery, Public
Trying to make some awesome charts for the new @cmisab website using #LibreOfficeCalc. Not doing too good.2013-02-28T17:14:16+00:00 To: a(n) person, Public
Learning to make charts using #LibreOfficeCalc to make the @cmisab website more exciting.2013-02-28T15:19:06+00:00 To: a(n) person, Public
Working on putting together a website with lots of information about #metadata, #provenance, and @cmisab