2012-08-14T01:28:00+00:00 in Portland, Oregon, United States To: Public
JJ Abram's and Stanley Kubrick2012-08-14T01:18:06+00:00 in Portland, Oregon, United States To: Public
http://ur1.ca/9y26o Vietnam charges ex-Senator Bob Kerrey with war crimes2011-06-30T01:39:51+00:00 in Kings Heights, Oregon, United States To: Public
Much of his work, especially from the Weimar period, remains controversial today. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Carl_Schmitt2011-06-29T21:58:31+00:00 in Kings Heights, Oregon, United States To: Public
Semiotic patterning on television.2011-06-29T19:35:42+00:00 in Kings Heights, Oregon, United States To: Public
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bqg90Qj2ApU Bob Marley - Natural Mystic2011-06-29T19:35:07+00:00 in Kings Heights, Oregon, United States To: Public
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/David_Shayler He has powers that influence the weather, prevent terror attacks and predict football scores?2011-06-27T17:59:20+00:00 in Kings Heights, Oregon, United States To: Public
Eugene V. Debs ran for President from jail and got 3.4% of the vote in 1920.2011-06-24T23:16:14+00:00 in Kings Heights, Oregon, United States To: Public
Whats the difference between sound body and physical body?2011-06-24T23:11:52+00:00 in Kings Heights, Oregon, United States To: Public
Sent an email out about being terrorized and no responses. None.2011-06-24T23:10:56+00:00 in Kings Heights, Oregon, United States To: Public
What is a CIA terminal type experiment. Is that what they meant by Hotel California. You don't leave, ever.2011-06-24T23:09:28+00:00 in Portland, Oregon, United States To: Public
FACE READING-SIGNIFICANCE OF NOSE PAGE2011-06-19T05:31:02+00:00 in Kings Heights, Oregon, United States To: Public
buzz2011-06-19T05:29:10+00:00 in Kings Heights, Oregon, United States To: Public
Invaders make my difference my problem not theres.2011-06-19T05:28:38+00:00 in Kings Heights, Oregon, United States To: Public
Hurting noting that i am hurting. Now time out going to go cook a turkey burger.2011-06-19T05:27:13+00:00 in Kings Heights, Oregon, United States To: Public
At the center of my story is my struggle for freedom, safety and a chance to tell nobodies about my no body problem.2011-06-19T05:25:47+00:00 in Kings Heights, Oregon, United States To: Public
test subject protests involuntary torture. thats me.2011-06-19T05:24:59+00:00 in Kings Heights, Oregon, United States To: Public
gunea pig trapped2011-06-19T05:24:33+00:00 in Kings Heights, Oregon, United States To: Public
dimming the screen at certain moments is very useful2011-06-19T05:10:32+00:00 in Kings Heights, Oregon, United States To: Public
no system, no method, no needs, no body , still a body. attached to my physical body.2011-06-19T05:09:02+00:00 in Kings Heights, Oregon, United States To: Public