Hector M Lugo hellenicprayer@identi.ca
Dayton, Ohio via Stamford, CT, via San Sebastian, PR
Hellenistos, Liberal (as in you do what you want, I do what I want), Multilingual, Puertorican, Male, Gay, and all together awesome.
2013-07-26T11:00:00Z via Identi.ca Web To: Public
Helios HeliosBrightly shiningGive us your light!Helios HeliosQuickly risingDispel the morning mist!Helios HeliosFlying highWatch over us!Helios HeliosSlowly descendingPaint the sky with umber!Helios HeliosIn the West arrivingEnter your golden gates!HeliosO Helios'Til the morrow yet again!Hector M Lugo shared this.
2013-07-09T10:16:50+00:00 in Kūh-e Zardar, Ostān-e Lorestān, Iran via web To: Public
Lord of the shaking earth, King of the Sea, Master of the waters of the world, grant us strength and fluidity, that we may not break!2013-07-08T21:47:49+00:00 in Kūh-e Zardar, Ostān-e Lorestān, Iran via web To: Public
Bless us today, tomorrow, and forever, holy daughter of Zeus and Dione. Let the Summer be a time of joy, dance, song, and sweet love making!2013-06-16T17:13:50+00:00 in Dayton, Ohio, United States via web To: Public
With altered minds and open hearts we pray, o Lord of Dark Revelations. Allow us this, that we may learn what lies in our own hearts!2013-06-09T19:06:52+00:00 in Kūh-e Zardar, Ostān-e Lorestān, Iran via web To: Public
Onde corre a lua, pode correr o homem. Onde corre o sol, pode correr a mulher. E onde correm as estrelas podemos correr todos.2013-06-09T19:03:27+00:00 in Kūh-e Zardar, Ostān-e Lorestān, Iran via web To: Public
No, the sun does not set on you, it simply moves on, and leaves you in their hands, the Lords and Ladies of the dark, the moon, and stars.2013-06-09T14:39:36+00:00 in Kūh-e Zardar, Ostān-e Lorestān, Iran via web To: Public
I am the night, dark and fearsome, I am mother of sleep and dreams, black and winged fly the cosmos, Nyx the mighty. Nyx, the powerful. Nyx!2013-06-02T21:23:24+00:00 in Kūh-e Zardar, Ostān-e Lorestān, Iran via Adium To: Public
Raise your hands and stand to sing and dance in their honor. Ask for peace, serenity, kindness, for in these there is fulfillment and joy!2013-05-29T13:28:22+00:00 in Kūh-e Zardar, Ostān-e Lorestān, Iran via web To: Public
Swords at play, walls defended, man battles man as all he holds dear hangs in the balance. In whispers and yells, to their Gods they pray.2013-05-29T01:13:48+00:00 in Dayton, Ohio, United States via web To: Public
Look there, toward the setting sun, and call out. Call out your dreams and hopes, that lovely Hesperides may carry them to Hera, our queen!2013-05-21T00:01:41+00:00 in Kūh-e Zardar, Ostān-e Lorestān, Iran via Adium To: Public
The sun aims West, the portals of night, and holy Eos, in rosy garments, opens the Gates of the Sun, where Helios will set down and rest!2013-05-17T13:14:32+00:00 in Kūh-e Zardar, Ostān-e Lorestān, Iran via HootSuite To: Public
Bless us with the light of knowledge, the light of wisdom, and the light of heroism, o Athena, who protects the city. Bless us one and all!2013-05-16T11:57:15+00:00 in Kūh-e Zardar, Ostān-e Lorestān, Iran via Adium To: Public
Καλή Θαργηλία, ο καθένας! Happy Thargelia, everyone! Wiki Article on Thargelia: http://goo.gl/WzQ4t2013-05-16T13:39:16+00:00 in Kūh-e Zardar, Ostān-e Lorestān, Iran via Adium To: Public
Set your eyes upon them, the glorious children of Zeus and Leto. But be respectful and beware, for their power is great and frightening!2013-05-14T13:03:47+00:00 in Kūh-e Zardar, Ostān-e Lorestān, Iran via HootSuite To: Public
With prayer you speak to them! With offerings you call! With your honesty and selflessness you do them honor! Live well, and be blessed!2013-05-10T13:43:07+00:00 in Kūh-e Zardar, Ostān-e Lorestān, Iran via Adium To: Public
Blessed Hekate, hear my prayer, let my choices be wise today, and my stride be purposeful. Grant me certainty of thought and action.2013-05-09T12:54:42+00:00 in Kūh-e Zardar, Ostān-e Lorestān, Iran via HootSuite To: Public
The Ghost of Miss Infinity likes this.
2013-05-06T14:39:46+00:00 in Kūh-e Zardar, Ostān-e Lorestān, Iran via Adium To: Public
Let no rain stop you, nor insolent wind halt you, as you make your way through life. Let them, instead, inspire you as if Muses sang to you!2013-04-29T11:59:32+00:00 in Kūh-e Zardar, Ostān-e Lorestān, Iran via Adium To: Public
Stand and pray for peace! Stand and pray for life! Stand and pray, but remember to act, for through you do the Gods act upon the world!2013-04-23T11:17:14+00:00 in Kūh-e Zardar, Ostān-e Lorestān, Iran via Adium To: Public
Ευλογημένος είναι το φως σας, κυρία της αυγής, για πλένει μακριά το σκοτάδι της νύχτας. Ευλόγησε μας πάντα με την παρουσία σας!