herrgruen herrgruen@identi.ca

Wolfsburg, Germany

Apple, iOS, Mac OSX, Linux, Lubuntu, Ubuntu


  • Leetkultur 1337kultur@identi.ca

    Berlin, Germany


  • maha maha@identi.ca


  • Jono Bacon jonobacon@identi.ca

    Ubuntu Community Manager, Author and Musician. For the gory details, see http://www.jonobacon.org/about/

  • Kaddi kaddile@identi.ca

    Augsburg, Germany

  • Roman Hanhart thurgau@identi.ca

  • Dirk Deimeke ddeimeke@identi.ca

    Grüt, Switzerland

    Pragmatic Systems Administrator and Linux Penguin

  • Paul Gysler hammerandbank@identi.ca

    Volt, United States

    Linux, arch, and football

  • Michael Kofler michaelkofler@identi.ca

    Graz, Austria

    Computer-Buchautor seit 20 Jahren. Linux, Ubuntu, PHP, MySQL.

  • Venty Lator venty@identi.ca

    Schlieren, Switzerland

    Hackerfunker, Rockstar, Unix-Hosli und CEO (Chief Essens Organizer) der Linux Users Group Switzerland.

  • ubuntuusers ubuntuusers@identi.ca

    Nachrichten von Ikhaya: Ikhaya ist der Nachrichtenblog von ubuntuusers mit Nachrichten rund um Ubuntu, Linux und Open Source.

  • LIT Augsburg litaugsburg@identi.ca

    Augsburg, Germany

    Informationen zum jährlich stattfindenen Augsburger Linux-Infotag

  • Jens Kubieziel qbi@identi.ca

    Jena, Germany

  • Birgit Hücking akkolady@identi.ca

  • Christoph Langner chrissss@identi.ca

    Karlsruhe, Germany

    Blogger, Author and Linux Advocat...

  • Chemnitzer LinuxTage clt@identi.ca


    Aktuelle News zu den Chemnitzer LinuxTagen in wenigen Worten zusammengefasst.

  • radiotux radiotux@identi.ca

  • deepgeek deepgeek@identi.ca

    Linux and getting extreme about the geekiness! I do the "talk geek to me" podcast.

  • Howard Eisenberger hce@identi.ca

    Ottawa, Canada


  • Michael Prokop mikagrml@identi.ca

    Graz, Austria

    Debian Developer, Grml.org project leader,

  • vinzv (inactive) vinzv@identi.ca

    Augsburg, Germany

    This account is inactive, but since pump.io has no account termination feature, I'll have to keep this open. You can follow me at https://gnusocial.de/vinzv