Aaron Toponce at 2011-04-12T01:22:35+00:00
homosexuality is found in over 450 species. homophobia is only found in one. which one seems unnatural now? !qValorie Cowan Zimmerman, Graham Perrin, Ieva, José María Serralde and 17 others likes this.
Lucas Lira Gomes, Lucas Lira Gomes, Valorie Cowan Zimmerman, Valorie Cowan Zimmerman and 80 others shared this.
@eightyeight Touche!homosexuality is found in over 450 species. homophobia is only found in one. which one seems unnatural now? RD @eightyeight@eightyeight nice one ;)@eightyeight definitions are broad.Technically you're right,but afaik only one species has a soul&is capable of rational thought.!CatholicIeva at 2010-01-24T18:29:29+00:00
#vardai Ieva - http://www.vardai.org/vardo-reiksme/ieva/ - mano vardo Ieva reikšmė ir kilmė bei #vardadieniai ...Ieva likes this.