2012-05-01T17:50:27+00:00 in Rennes, France via web To: Public
based on a true idea. chapter one, part a http://ur1.ca/95c8c2012-02-14T14:47:07+00:00 in Rennes, France via web To: Public
i feel that programming in dynamic languages made me really bad in programming (or just emphasize it)2012-02-07T20:07:23+00:00 in Rennes, France via web To: Public
The more i work on redis client, the more i hate it's developer and lack of proper protocol and commands documentation2012-01-22T21:21:05+00:00 in Rennes, France via web To: Public
http://wp.me/pd1EM-1nV A tale about PIPA, SOPA and Copyrights2012-01-21T20:33:37+00:00 in Rennes, France via web To: Public
my redis client is "getting there" :)2012-01-15T08:10:45+00:00 in Rennes, France via web To: Public
thanks linus, because of you my wifi and cellular modem stopped working. It would not have happened to microsoft/apple :(2012-01-13T09:22:47+00:00 in Rennes, France via web To: Public
"In $OPA we trust" -- the fake media industry leaders2012-01-09T09:49:50+00:00 in Rennes, France via web To: Public
some things are better left unknown (netfilter) ...2012-01-09T13:28:29+00:00 in Rennes, France via web To: Public
!linus sucks, I'm returning to windows (http://ur1.ca/7d2pv) :P2012-01-08T10:42:53+00:00 in Rennes, France via web To: Public
my new post: "where have all the desktop gone ?" http://wp.me/pd1EM-1mE #linux #kde #gnome #xfce (ignore the prior post, it was incomplete)2012-01-08T09:25:04+00:00 in Rennes, France via web To: Public
2012-01-03T09:48:38+00:00 in Rennes, France via web To: Public
Linux is too much of monolithic programming language system :( even MS and Apple made a better work there2012-01-03T14:53:16+00:00 in Rennes, France via web To: Public
מרוב פאניקה בקשר לכרטיסי אשראי, היום (במבצע) קל יותר לגנוב מאנשים באמצעות הנדוס אנשים. התקשורת בשירות הגנבים ?2011-12-31T23:01:43+00:00 in Rennes, France via web To: Public
die ms users/sys-admin/developers die2011-12-15T11:29:41+00:00 in Rennes, France via web To: Public
Trying to create an oauth server with Sinatra.2011-12-15T14:38:55+00:00 in Rennes, France via web To: Public
אני לא סובל ממיזונתרופיה, אלא מזה שיש בני אדם2011-12-13T16:35:50+00:00 in Rennes, France via web To: Public
find ./ ! -name "*open-source*" -delete2011-12-12T12:49:29+00:00 in Rennes, France via web To: Public
i hate sys-admin work, please send me back to be an IT developer2011-12-11T12:12:23+00:00 in Rennes, France via web To: Public
בטסט החוזר שעשיתי היום ועברתי היה חסר לי רפי גינת עם המילה "קומבינה" אחרי מה שעברתי שם ...2011-11-30T11:27:39+00:00 in Rennes, France via web To: Public
PHP + SOAP -> it's a slippery road to take