Rammel Ramli jaringniaga@identi.ca

Rumah Merayang, Malaysia

An experience graphic designer for nearly 10 years. An expert in autocad, self taught and independent.


  • Stav Prodromou stav@identi.ca

    San Francisco Bay Area, California, United States

    Open microblogging service enthusiast. I ♥ identi.ca and pump.io. Avid major league baseball fan, especially devoted to the Oakland Athletics. Go A's!

  • Rob Myers robmyers@identi.ca


    "a self-defined artist, writer and hacker" - MakeTank.

  • Scott Westerman msuscottw@identi.ca

    East Lansing, United States

    Head Servant at the MSU Alumni Association. Got feedback? Need Help? Write wsw@MSU.edu W9WSW.com