Jayson Rowe jaysonrowe@identi.ca
Just a Linux Geek, all around nerd and Network Administrator by day.
2009-05-04T21:54:31+00:00 To: Public
...much easier...medicine dropper FTW!2009-05-04T21:22:07+00:00 To: Public
hmmm - might be easier to get the peroxide IN my ear if I had a medicine dropper (puts on dry shirt and heads to wallgreens)...2009-05-04T21:14:10+00:00 To: Public
gonna try @jamesmunn 's "peroxide in the ear" thing - let's see if it works...2009-05-04T20:13:42+00:00 To: Public
...(cont'd) and now i think i'm getting sick - i feel like a warmed over truckload of horse poo...2009-05-04T20:13:11+00:00 To: Public
well, took mom to the doc this morning - was held hostage in a waiting room with nasty, leaking people who don't cover their mouths to cough2009-05-04T01:09:30+00:00 To: Public
just watched Billy Madion...why was it so much funnier when I was 15?!?2009-05-03T21:43:27+00:00 To: Public
w00t! I got it to work! http://is.gd/wqFE2009-05-03T21:12:55+00:00 To: Public
getting closer - got it installed, got it to boot, now just have to convince it that there is a keyboard attached...2009-05-03T20:50:32+00:00 To: Public
Determined to get Leopard to boot inside of a KVM virtual - halfway there - it installs w/o crashing. Why? I'm a bored Geek at the moment...2009-05-03T18:57:28+00:00 To: Public
attending the Introduction to libvirt - The virtual machine manager session in #fedora-classroom on freenode.2009-05-03T15:44:00+00:00 To: Public
just discovered a new source of entertainment: spin around and around in my deskchair while holding out a doggie biscuit for my dog...2009-05-02T22:01:25+00:00 To: Public
Listening to some Dave Brubeck while killing some time online - man, Paul Desmond has to be one of my fav. Alto Sax players of all time...2009-05-02T20:48:50+00:00 To: Public
there is this guy that works @ Bi-Lo in Darlington that reminds me of Robin Williams in 1-hour photo - just plain creepy.2009-05-02T02:07:20+00:00 To: Public
I just discovered Tabs in Thunderbird 3 - I'm in e-mail heaven :-)2009-05-01T12:31:28+00:00 To: Public
I'm excited about the release of the first new edition of the GNOME Journal since Dec '07 - hopefully it will be out today :-)2009-05-01T22:16:16+00:00 To: Public
I *really* like #Gwibber, but it has a very annoying habit of just "disappearing" even whilst in the middle of scrolling through my messages2009-05-01T03:33:40+00:00 To: Public
man - i am *so* not sleepy right now...but i need to go to bed - it's way past my bedtime...2009-05-01T01:22:48+00:00 To: Public
yum presto in #fedora 11 is amazing...2009-04-30T02:08:35+00:00 To: Public
I can't believe Adam was in the bottom 2 tonight...amazing.2009-04-29T19:26:09+00:00 To: Public