2013-05-21T13:09:43+00:00 via Choqok To: Public
After looking at the pump.io site - is node.js the new php?2012-07-13T09:09:28+00:00 via Gwibber To: Public
Nasty video playback desktop freeze on new Ivy Bridge laptop fixed by upgrading to 3.2.0-27 kernel from precise-proposed.2011-10-05T13:01:51+00:00 via Choqok To: Public
Interesting talk on how trust agility could be added to SSL using Convergence http://ur1.ca/51fjd2011-05-17T09:07:12+00:00 via Gwibber To: Public
kinda worrying if you use wifi hotspots - "99% of Android phones leak secret account credentials" via reghardware.com http://is.gd/TuMoSk2011-05-05T16:05:25+00:00 via Gwibber To: Public
Operation Pumpkin - the funniest "security" story in a while - http://is.gd/B16FkP2011-05-04T13:18:36+00:00 via Gwibber To: Public
Ubuntu Natty upgrade gave my x301 a real speedup - the 2.6.38 kernel "patch that does wonders" works great with Virtualbox - usable now.2011-04-15T10:23:33+00:00 via Choqok To: Public
"People do care but we live in a world that actively discourages engagement." Love the how not to sell Nike ad at 1:13  is.gd/l3EO2G2011-03-31T14:37:28+00:00 via Choqok To: Public
Not having much luck removing the Comodo CA from Firefox following the fake Google, Skype, Yahoo certs alert is.gd/yMHTNG2011-03-22T16:44:12+00:00 via Choqok To: Public
Basket imports Tomboy notes but doesn't export back again. Sorry I moved now :(2011-03-22T15:48:57+00:00 via Choqok To: Public
2011-03-22T15:38:13+00:00 via Choqok To: Public
Back to the Firefox4 beta as the localised builds don't seem to have a 64-bit version yet (for one thing flash doesn't work) #ff2011-03-21T15:11:36+00:00 via Choqok To: Public
17G Virtualbox Windows7 VM and current backup broken this morning - luckily I found another backup that worked 51G later.2010-12-16T12:10:11+00:00 via Choqok To: Public
Back to fx4 beta 8 'cause beta 9 doesn't support any addons yet - pretty happy with fx4 x64 Ubuntu so far.2010-12-10T16:48:37+00:00 via Choqok To: Public
Using Firefox 4 now. Tab grouping really nice. Flash didn't work for me till today as I wasn't using the x64 builds - beginners mistake.2010-09-30T09:14:53+00:00 via Gwibber To: Public
Very cool Google now supports Latin - Veni, Vidi, Verba Verti - http://googleblog.blogspot.com/2010/09/veni-vidi-verba-verti.html2010-09-28T14:11:28+00:00 via Gwibber To: Public
'Twas its and not it's that was meant in that post2010-09-28T14:03:32+00:00 via Gwibber To: Public
Our printer has gone all poetic with it's request to "Replenish paper"!2010-09-24T10:26:19+00:00 via Gwibber To: Public
"Quand la bonne Irlande rêve de donner l'indépendance à la mauvaise Irlande". (4:30) http://www.france24.com/fr/20100924-revue-presse-inter2010-09-21T10:50:24+00:00 via Gwibber To: Public
Interesting that http://bloggingheads.tv lets you speed-up playback of interviews (including audio) by 40%.2010-09-05T18:05:06+00:00 via Gwibber To: Public
gwibber seems to report correctly on identi.ca but as Ubuntu on Twitter - stranger and stranger.