Jason jjv@identi.ca
Matt C at 2011-03-18T14:13:29+00:00
ça me fait du bien, venir au bureau au vélo sans manteau ce matin. ça plus le soleil (grace au changement d'heure) m'a rendu très heureux.Jason likes this.
Matt C at 2010-11-09T15:56:20+00:00
Jason likes this.
Matt C at 2010-09-02T19:14:30+00:00
wow, twitter is about to datamine all clicks on posted links! http://ln-s.net/7Ypb ... maybe i should turn off the identi.ca->twitter bridgeJason likes this.
@mvc when is quit twitter day?Matt C at 2010-08-16T22:06:49+00:00
whee, i'm now a full-patch member of quebec's least exclusive motor club, communauto! now i get to take a car share when i go out of town.Jason likes this.