Joaquim Rocha jrocha@identi.ca
A Coruña, Spain
GNOME and Python and Django developer from Portugal
2011-12-10T16:14:37+00:00 To: Public
2011-11-29T08:59:19+00:00 To: Public
Okay, enough of this non-sense. yum install thunderbird2011-11-29T15:33:46+00:00 To: Public
La France est maintenant le pays avec le plus de téléchargements de SeriesFinale. Merci! http://bit.ly/rAHJLL #n950 #harmattan #nokia #n92011-11-29T15:31:52+00:00 To: Public
France is now the country with most downloads for SeriesFinale (#n9 port) so far. Thanks! http://bit.ly/rAHJLL #n950 #harmattan #nokia2011-11-17T23:59:16+00:00 To: Public
2011-11-09T08:07:22+00:00 To: a(n) person, Public
Are you a fan of @igalia and the work we do? Add its new G+ page to your circles! http://bit.ly/vc5xO6 #igaliaMarius Gedminas shared by Joaquim Rocha at 2011-11-09T14:41:50+00:00 To: Public
"Like any good engineer, rather than spend three hours doing it by hand, I spent six hours building a tool to do it." -- Ned Batchelder !qJoaquim Rocha, Joaquim Rocha shared this.
Marius Gedminas shared by Joaquim Rocha at 2011-11-09T14:41:50+00:00 via Hotot To: Public
"Like any good engineer, rather than spend three hours doing it by hand, I spent six hours building a tool to do it." -- Ned Batchelder !qJoaquim Rocha, Joaquim Rocha shared this.
2011-10-15T15:28:23+00:00 To: Public
2011-10-15T15:05:01+00:00 To: Public
Got some nice comments about SF in my latest post. Thanks guys! http://bit.ly/pegPUX2011-10-14T09:39:25+00:00 To: Public
Jono Bacon shared by Joaquim Rocha at 2011-10-13T09:58:04+00:00 via Hotot To: Public
Ubuntu release day! #ubuntuJoaquim Rocha, Joaquim Rocha shared this.
Jono Bacon shared by Joaquim Rocha at 2011-10-13T09:58:04+00:00 To: Public
Ubuntu release day! #ubuntuJoaquim Rocha, Joaquim Rocha shared this.
2011-10-13T18:06:13+00:00 To: Public
2011-10-12T21:48:45+00:00 To: Public
2011-10-10T15:19:10+00:00 in A Coruña, Spain To: Public
Temperatures are so high now in Coruña that my Fedora has just shut itself down twice... (the loads of code being compiled also helped)2011-10-05T07:40:48+00:00 in A Coruña, Spain To: Public
Is OCRFeeder being used in NIMBioS? http://ur1.ca/5axh92011-10-05T07:35:23+00:00 in A Coruña, Spain To: Public
Un buon programma OCR. http://ur1.ca/5axg32011-09-16T07:16:54+00:00 in A Coruña, Spain To: Public
Evolution (the email client) doesn't like suspends...2011-09-15T08:55:40+00:00 in A Coruña, Spain To: Public
Just used FileTea to transfer a file and now I'm gonna make myself a tea with the time I just saved: http://www.filetea.me