2017-03-25T19:52:39Z via Identi.ca Web CC: Public
2013-03-24T22:44:29+00:00 in Dock Square, Massachusetts, United States via web To: Public
Is it weird that almost my favorite part of LibrePlanet is doing laptop-beer-ipod on the train home?2013-03-23T14:53:04+00:00 in New York, New York, United States via web To: Public
"Gimme The Loot" is the most fun thing I've seen in like forever. Everybody in it (and I know some of them) is fantastic.2013-03-18T00:25:41+00:00 in Wyckoff Gardens, New York, United States via web To: Public
Ow ow ow. #newboots2012-12-14T04:35:47+00:00 in New York, New York, United States via web To: Public
Just made my first stuffed cabbage. What's supposed to be so hard about that? It only came out a little gross. NEXT COOKING CHALLENGE2012-12-02T16:45:54+00:00 in Brooklyn, New York, United States via web To: Public
Peanut Kri-Kri from Sahadi's. Holy shit. Did everyone know about this already?2012-11-07T04:50:54+00:00 in Brooklyn, New York, United States via web To: Public
I'm drinking your tears, racists.2012-11-03T04:05:52+00:00 in Brooklyn, New York, United States via web To: Public
Brown bagging it in the forbidden zone.2012-11-01T18:47:14+00:00 in Brooklyn, New York, United States via web To: Public
Oi! Fuckers lined up for gas on Union St. -- get the fuck out of the way of the ambulances.2012-10-04T04:27:30+00:00 in New York, New York, United States via web To: Public
Well that was just no good at all.2012-09-19T02:33:50+00:00 in Brooklyn, New York, United States via web To: Public
I guess you could say I'm on Team Rupert Sanders #topical2012-09-07T03:19:00+00:00 in New York, New York, United States via web To: Public
Barred from a "tech mixer" cuz we were dressed slobby so we ate spinach dip with some Swedish guys from Spotify. #hipnewyorkstartupbehavior2012-09-03T13:36:08+00:00 in New York, New York, United States via web To: Public
The summer beard is gone. See you next year, face hairs!2012-08-17T03:56:19+00:00 in New York, New York, United States via web To: Public
Titus Andronicus killed it at House of Vans! What a beautiful set.2012-08-03T12:46:57+00:00 in Brooklyn, New York, United States via web To: Public
I'm on Italian TV incoherently representing the Free Software Foundation! http://ur1.ca/9vfpn #HOPE92012-07-31T03:53:07+00:00 in Brooklyn, New York, United States via web To: Public
Finally got Pseu Braun's "Thing With A Hook" theme out of my head but I had to replace it with @tedleo's "The World Is In The Terlet." #halp2012-07-28T02:20:08+00:00 in Brooklyn, New York, United States via Adium To: Public
Only sort of kidding when I say that a lot of the pleasure in my life depends on being able to put peanut butter on those crackers.2012-07-28T02:13:40+00:00 in Brooklyn, New York, United States via Adium To: Public
Great Stoned Wheat Thins shortage of 2012. Where are they? I am literally going to flip out.2012-07-10T13:48:53+00:00 in Brooklyn, New York, United States via web To: Public
Toothache, meet freezer grapes.2012-07-07T18:03:11+00:00 in Brooklyn, New York, United States via web To: Public
Icing down the cat.