kabo-wiki-hive kabowikihive@identi.ca
Global Village, India
The multilingual, open topic "kick ass bogosity" kabo-wiki-hive. Mµ2wiki tag #KaboWiki
Bayle Shanks bshanks@identi.ca
San Diego, United States
Interested in neuro (esp. neural coding), A.I. (esp. commonsense), collaborative software (esp wiki, reputation systems).
Directory Studenti directorystudenti@identi.ca
Rome, Italy
Le attività sul territorio di Roma. Aziende, imprese, locali e associazioni... Segnalazioni gratuite
'wiki-net' wikinet@identi.ca
Global Village, India
Creating one big wiki organism. Mµ2Wiki tag #WikiNet
Mattis Manzel mattismanzel@identi.ca
Berlin, Germany
Mattis is working on the wiki-net, collab-edit sessions called ting and such more. Non-coder but persistent.