kajarii kajarii@identi.ca
Justin Washu O'Brien at 2010-11-22T17:25:59+00:00
TSA is the DRM of travel. They inconvenience all non-terrorists (paying customers) and seem ineffective at stopping terrorists (pirates).kajarii likes this.
Screwtape at 2010-11-14T00:04:58+00:00
So "unisex" means "for both sexes", but "unidirectional" means "one direction only". Glad I got that sorted out.kajarii likes this.
@screwtape yeah that makes no sense at allAlonzo cuellar at 2009-11-14T21:21:41+00:00
@@fabsh We'd get a long great... I like all the dark beers. I'm Alonzo @Kajarii's friend.kajarii likes this.
Alonzo cuellar at 2009-11-04T07:34:10+00:00
Trying out this emacs thing... I hope I like it!kajarii likes this.
@mariachiac well it posts good.