Andrew McMillan karora@identi.ca
Porirua, New Zealand
Open (Source | Maps | Information | Calendar | Android) Geek
2013-02-20T08:01:29+00:00 To: Public
Photos from #multicoreworld are over this way: http://v.gd/WGA7mI2013-02-20T07:46:48+00:00 To: Public
Got a shot of the 'brewer' part of @forkandbrewer the other night. Must go back to check out the 'fork' part too... http://v.gd/4oUHPo2013-01-10T08:48:50+00:00 To: Public
Looking for Android coders to help with this kind of thing: http://is.gd/AWZfZP Interested? But can you do it? Well, get in touch then!@karora please tell us that the XO tablet is user programmable is something other than java?2013-01-10T08:45:10+00:00 To: a(n) person, Public
@mjollnir so are you in NZ at present? Why have I not seen you?! Enquiring minds want to know...2012-12-14T07:22:49+00:00 To: Public
Grumpy at #immigrationNZ today, expressed at length on G+ http://is.gd/immigrationnz - Are you in #Melbourne and want an accountant?2012-07-20T07:52:27+00:00 To: Public
Come on #NZ. Five hours to get these guys past $3k: http://is.gd/R3stRs pledge here: http://is.gd/K4tKZe #kids #physics #olympics #IYPTLars Wirzenius, Lars Wirzenius shared this.
2012-01-06T05:14:30+00:00 To: Public
A New Year email from twitter? Oh yeah: I remember that. I'm only really on G+ now, including #DAViCal's 1.0.0 release, where there's more r2011-11-26T02:26:42+00:00 To: Public
If you run an open source project, have you considered going to CeBIT? For free? http://v.gd/cebit_20112011-11-24T08:38:21+00:00 To: Public
Time to write about who and why I'm voting for on Saturday: http://v.gd/nzelection2011 - and even post something here! #voteNZ #MMP2011-07-06T07:32:59+00:00 To: Public
Flight on @flyairnz announced as boarding in 5 minutes time but still not at gate. #whoops2011-06-30T23:54:09+00:00 To: Public
Here are my #nethui photos (so far :-) http://www.flickr.com/photos/karora/sets/72157627073573732/ - all CC-BY licensed, of course!2011-06-30T22:26:59+00:00 To: Public
Does @skycityakl not realise there is a conference on? Can't they organise construction when 400 people aren't in the next room.2011-06-29T00:24:59+00:00 To: Public
Great example of how/why copyright protects corporation-owned IP and fails for individual-owned IP from a lawyer in the audience at #nethui.2011-06-29T12:19:21+00:00 To: Public
An excited @davemosk this evening after some enthusiastic retweeting: http://v.gd/uVcW6v #nethui2011-06-29T23:56:38+00:00 To: Public
Woohoo! All LINZ geographic data going public tomorrow at http://data.linz.govt.nz/ #nethui #opendataMark Osborne, Mark Osborne shared this.
2011-06-29T22:05:33+00:00 To: Public
A good rousing keynote from Rod Oram at #nethui here he is In full swing: http://www.flickr.com/photos/karora/5885989386/2011-06-29T03:22:59+00:00 To: Public
Everyone at #nethui seem really keen to talk: http://www.flickr.com/photos/karora/5882844495/ - interesting topics too.2011-06-28T21:53:29+00:00 To: a(n) person, Public
2011-06-28T21:16:43+00:00 To: Public
For extra security t #nethui one of the SSIDs is "uncapturable" rather than "uncaptureable", good to see that "open" is still "open" though!2011-06-25T00:42:33+00:00 To: Public
It's such a nice day today that we've decided to go to the Porirua Botanical Park. Who knew there was a Botanical Park in Porirua?