Donna Benjamin kattekrab@identi.ca
opensource.com opensourceway@identi.ca
Justin Washu O'Brien threethirty@identi.ca
Richmond, United States
Gonzo Technologist, Community Advocate, Oggcaster, blogger, Free Culture/Software and Civil Lib Advocate, Hacker, etc
Josh Andler scislac@identi.ca
Tabitha Roder tabitha@identi.ca
Kowhitirangi, New Zealand
OLPC & Sugar Labs volunteer http://laptop.org.nz Elearning Consultant, HRDNZ, Moodle Partner. Instructional Designer, Waitemata DHB
Jason White jasonjgw@identi.ca
linux.conf.au 2014 linuxconfau@identi.ca
Canberra, Australia
6-10th January 2014 LCA is one of the world's best conferences for free and open source software!
Andrew Ruthven puck42@identi.ca
Software Developer, General Dogs Body, Husband, Father and Co-Director of linux.conf.au 2010.
Aaron Seigo aseigo@identi.ca
KDE developer (Plasma!!), past President and board member for KDE e.V. , Free software enthusiast, world traveling Canadian, father.
Christopher Allan Webber cwebber@identi.ca
Madison, United States
GNU MediaGoblin founder, former Creative Commons software engineer, python hacker, free software enthusiast, maker of weird drawings See: http://dustycloud.org/ (Any pronouns are okay.)
Leslie Hawthorn lh@identi.ca
Portland, United States
Free Culture and Open Source Software Advocate, Medieval English Literature Geek, Cat Herder Extraodinaire
kim hawtin adhoc@identi.ca
Adelaide, Australia
perl coder,linux sysadmin, cyclist, ham radio experimenter.
Jon A. Cruz joncruz@identi.ca
Agua Caliente, Mexico
OpenSource developer, father, color wrangler, inkscape dev