Kent Palmer kentpalmer@identi.ca
Orange, United States
Philosopher, Systems Theorist, Software Systems Engineer
2013-06-30T15:24:53+00:00 in Orange, California, United States via web To: Public
Most of my academic papers have been placed on my Academia.edu site at http://ur1.ca/ehjnr http://kdp.me2013-05-09T17:54:51+00:00 in Orange, California, United States via web To: Public
Reading Being and Time by Heidegger on Quora http://ur1.ca/drqv5 and Medium http://ur1.ca/drqv7 #philosophy #heidegger #beingandtime2012-07-04T18:41:46+00:00 in Orange, California, United States via Ping.fm To: Public
Daniel Whiteson explains the Higgs Boson illustrated by Jorge Cham: http://ping.fm/YSacF http://ping.fm/fErvb2012-04-19T09:27:35+00:00 in Orange, California, United States via Ping.fm To: Public
Quora answer: What is the difference between the Poet and the Thinker? http://ping.fm/PINXA http://ping.fm/W2DG7 #philosophy #poetry2012-04-09T15:49:40+00:00 in Orange, California, United States via mbpidgin To: Public
ey02.2012-03-30T05:16:48+00:00 in Orange, California, United States via Ping.fm To: Public
#Quora answer: Is Quora in trouble - and if so, how should they respond? http://ping.fm/bdZom http://ping.fm/VqPO4 / quora #design #problems2012-03-25T23:02:55+00:00 in Orange, California, United States via Ping.fm To: Public
Quora answer: What does a #koan do? http://ping.fm/pCXRw http://ping.fm/D5Xl4 #zen #buddism #philosophy #religion koan http://ping.fm/QqN2012-03-25T22:27:34+00:00 in Orange, California, United States via Ping.fm To: Public
Quora answer: What is a Koan? http://ping.fm/xigLC #zen #philosophy #religion #buddhism http://ping.fm/EXr6O2012-03-25T22:13:25+00:00 in Orange, California, United States via Ping.fm To: Public
Quora answer: What happens when you realize that a scientific theory you had faith in is proved wrong? http://ping.fm/RhOO9 #philosophy2012-03-09T08:32:32+00:00 in Orange, California, United States via Ping.fm To: Public
Quora answer: How do followers of Nietzsche's #philosophy describe ... his philosophy? http://ping.fm/nPEw2 http://ping.fm/0Df13 philosophy2012-02-26T08:39:37+00:00 in Orange, California, United States via Ping.fm To: Public
Quora answer: What was your dissertation about? Emergent #Design http://bit.ly/y9GWjs design #philosophy #systems #engineering #software #2012-02-17T15:20:22+00:00 in Orange, California, United States via Ping.fm To: Public
Quora elaboration: Alternatives to Ken #Wilber's version of Integral Theory? http://bit.ly/w215UZ wilber #philosophy http://bit.ly/wGP5Sc2012-02-12T10:59:06+00:00 in Orange, California, United States via Ping.fm To: Public
Quora answer: Is there anything #good about women? http://bit.ly/yLasFq http://bit.ly/x6SYbO / #woman good #philosophy #feminism2012-02-10T06:29:49+00:00 in Orange, California, United States via Ping.fm To: Public
Quora answer: What is the #nature of #God? http://bit.ly/zp1DEA ://bit.ly/zB2iJ7 // #theology #philosophy god nature http://ping.fm/asjAJ2012-02-09T08:44:08+00:00 in Orange, California, United States via Ping.fm To: Public
Quora answer: What are some great high-concept "literary" books? http://bit.ly/x9XUJu http://bit.ly/wM4B5E #literature #ideas #philosophy2012-02-08T17:31:02+00:00 in Orange, California, United States via Ping.fm To: Public
What is an autodidact? http://bit.ly/wP1QWq http://bit.ly/zNhzd6 #learning #teaching #philosophy #knowledge #thought #chaos #study #scholars2012-02-08T04:47:21+00:00 in Orange, California, United States via Ping.fm To: Public
Quora answer: What is the inner nature of absolute mirroring? http://bit.ly/xRuEZ5 http://bit.ly/zC8zs2 #theology #religion #philosophy2012-02-07T09:07:24+00:00 in Orange, California, United States via Ping.fm To: Public
Quora answer: What is #God? http://bit.ly/xxc07q http://bit.ly/zvXwcf #theology #philosophy #buddhism #plato #aristotle #knowledge god2012-02-06T23:37:04+00:00 in Orange, California, United States via Ping.fm To: Public
Quora answer: What can Quora.com learn from Namesake.com? http://bit.ly/xafnfb http://bit.ly/A5Hxnm #design #socialweb #Web2 http://ping.fm/2012-02-03T06:28:52+00:00 in Orange, California, United States via Ping.fm To: Public
Quora Comment: What is wrong with Quroa: Downvoting as an example . . . http://bit.ly/ApyvWI This is a comment on an answer to the question