KinkForAll kinkforall@identi.ca
An ad-hoc gathering about sexuality & the rest of life where anyone with a desire to learn is welcome. Posts by @maymaym@status.maymay.net.
2012-08-12T21:59:27+00:00 in Earth To: Public
"Am I #Queer Enough?" https://vimeo.com/47391345 @KittenKarlyle explores identity & community in this #KFASF2 session: "Having experienced…"2012-08-12T21:44:07+00:00 in Earth To: Public
"#Touch starvation" https://vimeo.com/47386645 "Who gets touched in our culture[, who doesn't,] & how?" SA http://tiny.cc/kfasf2grid #KFASF22012-07-24T04:50:16+00:00 in Earth To: Public
♺@wanderingpirate Video & transcript of my #KFASF2 workshop "Help Me Rethink Poly 101" http://t.co/4AnHTZDT Would love to hear thoughts! :)2012-06-26T23:50:15+00:00 in Earth To: Public
Can you help write #transcripts http://is.gd/SJqNXr & #Spanish language translations of recorded #KinkForAll sessions: http://goo.gl/HfklW2012-06-18T01:35:35+00:00 in Earth To: Public
♺@maymaym #KFASF2 schedule grid digitized! http://t.co/Yl33Ve47 Upload any videos/notes you got+link to 'em from there to share w/the world.2012-06-17T00:00:12+00:00 in Earth To: a(n) person, Public
♺ @KFASF Woo! #KFASF2's over. Thx to all participants & @Noisebridge for hosting! Check out http://tiny.cc/kfasf2grid for #media from today.2012-06-16T19:33:54+00:00 in Earth To: Public
Don't miss #KFASF2, follow https://twitter.com/search/%23KFASF2 or watch http://tiny.cc/kfasf2live Data, privacy, everyday eroticism & more.2012-06-15T22:11:27+00:00 in Earth To: maymay, Public
♺ @maymaym: …newest ideas for #KFASF2 topics: http://tiny.cc/kfasf2 "Disability & #Sex," "Kink in Fandom," "Exercises in Saying No," & more.2012-06-13T19:04:44+00:00 in Earth To: a(n) person, Public
♺@maymaym: #KFASF2 on Sat! http://goo.gl/YHqsF FREE but donations for @Noisebridge appreciated http://ur1.ca/9hwmp SA http://is.gd/nrhcYU2012-05-02T23:24:21+00:00 in Earth To: Public
♺ @KFASF: Happy May Day! What lessons can the labor movement teach us about sexual #freedom? Maybe we can find out at http://tiny.cc/kfasf2?2012-04-23T20:05:28+00:00 in Earth To: Public
#KFASF2 is less than 2mos away! An update: http://goo.gl/xDUPU Grab a flier to help out: http://ur1.ca/92m3a SA http://tmblr.co/Z4w0ayJjm0LF2012-04-23T18:49:32+00:00 in Earth To: Public
Musings on a possible KinkForAll in the tiny border town of Las Cruces, NM this fall: http://goo.gl/sZ0ex Plug into the unorganizing today.2012-04-15T20:12:12+00:00 in Earth To: Public
♺ @KFASF: Have access to a printer? Help #KFASF2 crowd source flier printing http://t.co/cxpHh5ng or grab fliers to share w/ your community!2012-04-12T22:22:27+00:00 in Earth To: Public
♺@KFASF: Excited for #KFASF2? Know someone at these groups? https://t.co/FbtlW43m Tell 'em! Use these email templates: https://t.co/5OzzRAtm2012-04-11T15:21:17+00:00 in Earth To: KinkForAll, Public
♺ @KFASF: Challenging sex-ed status quo, @KinkForAll brings culture hackers & peer-to-peer educators back to SF http://t.co/60s2RYGm #KFASF22012-04-03T21:35:34+00:00 in Earth To: Public
♺@KFASF You can help improve our #media #outreach efforts! #KFASF2 Press Release: http://goo.gl/Rtz23 Know a reporter? http://t.co/5R5Aq5qA2012-04-02T00:49:26+00:00 in Earth To: Public
♺@KFASF What communities are you part of? Groups we're hoping to reach: https://t.co/s4A0fY3Q Who can you talk with & tell about #KFASF2? :)2012-03-30T07:03:58+00:00 in Earth To: Public
♺@KFASF: Join the wiki, add ideas, inspire others—20min sessions are perfect to try something new! http://tiny.cc/kfasf2 http://ur1.ca/8uywr2012-03-28T22:34:43+00:00 in Earth To: Public
♺ @kfasf: We…need your words to reach #queer, POC #communities, and others: https://t.co/fR4SP33c Get involved: http://t.co/WEFhXU1r #KFASF22012-03-24T19:40:39+00:00 in Earth To: Public
New exciting ideas @KFASF: http://tiny.cc/kfasf2 Asexuality, "custom relationship design," and more. :) What do you want to discuss? #KFASF2