Camilo Uribe
Bogotá, Colombia
Desarrollador y operador web en la búsqueda de una idea para crear una startup y/o una buena a la cual unirme.
Camilo Uribe at 2009-04-22T18:02:05+00:00
Easy love! easy come! easy go! Uribe likes this.
Camilo Uribe at 2009-03-17T16:44:24+00:00
"Working with computers is kind of mysterious sometimes, often confusing, irritating and even random" Uribe likes this.
Camilo Uribe at 2009-01-21T22:53:55+00:00
Rule of Clarity: Clarity is better than cleverness. Uribe likes this.
digitalfredy at 2008-12-16T16:24:21+00:00
Algunos tienen enemigos imaginarios, la estupidez de la gente así me saca de quicio!Camilo Uribe likes this.
digitalfredy at 2008-12-15T23:53:00+00:00
apagas el incendio y luego te toca recoger las cenizas y reconstruir :/Camilo Uribe likes this.
Andrés Abelardo Villarroel Acosta at 2008-12-13T04:16:39+00:00
"Happiness is when what you think,what you say,and what you do are in harmony" --Gandhi.-Camilo Uribe, Andrés Abelardo Villarroel Acosta likes this.