Kolab Systems AG kolabsys@identi.ca
Zurich, Switzerland
Kolab Systems AG - home of the Kolab Groupware Solution.
2013-07-10T08:42:32+00:00 in Zurich, Switzerland via web To: Public
The new MyKolab.com website is online. #Privacy, #Freedom, #Openness and #Control directly from the source! Escape #PRISM!Georg C. F. Greve shared this.
2013-06-25T09:59:16+00:00 in Zurich, Switzerland via Choqok To: a(n) person, Public
We are sponsoring the !openSUSE Conference @openSUSEConf Our CEO gives the keynote and there will be a Kolab workshop http://bit.ly/1chmyj62013-06-21T07:34:35+00:00 in Zurich, Switzerland via Choqok To: openSUSE Project, a(n) person, Public
2013-06-19T14:03:14+00:00 in Zurich, Switzerland via Choqok To: openSUSE Project, Public
The @openSUSE conference will feature Kolab Systems' CEO Georg Greve as first keynote speaker http://bit.ly/11y4exh !openSUSE2013-06-19T11:58:48+00:00 in Zurich, Switzerland via Choqok To: Public
Kolab Systems Announces Simpler Pricing, New ISP Edition and Community Assistance http://bit.ly/12V1Hnf2013-06-11T08:09:43+00:00 in Zurich, Switzerland via Choqok To: Kolab Groupware, Public
Our latest success story is now also on opensource.com "Swiss schools use Kolab, open source email suite" http://red.ht/11sq0kJ @kolaborg2013-05-29T11:42:26+00:00 in Zurich, Switzerland via Choqok To: Public
Eine Kolab Erfolgsgeschichte: Wie die Basler Schulen von der freien Kolab Groupware Lösung profitieren http://bit.ly/12iaWh32013-05-29T11:41:31+00:00 in Zurich, Switzerland To: Public
A Kolab Success Story: How the public schools in Basel make use of the Open Source Kolab Groupware Solution http://bit.ly/12iaT4H2013-05-29T13:10:25+00:00 in Zurich, Switzerland To: Public
The Open source observatory @Joinup_eu writes about "Basel schools using open source email and collaboration suite" http://bit.ly/158wQ3H2013-05-27T14:49:10+00:00 in Zurich, Switzerland To: Public
Unser CEO sprach beim @LinuxTag und Open IT Summit über eine Offene Zukunft: Open Source im Regierungseinsatz http://ur1.ca/e293b2013-05-21T08:38:44+00:00 in Zurich, Switzerland To: Public
Two of our employees will give presentations at @OpenITSummit this week http://bit.ly/14M9tMr #OITS20132013-04-16T08:32:44+00:00 in Zurich, Switzerland To: Public
We are now providing professional Roundcube Services and Support directly from Roundcube's Lead Developers http://bit.ly/15ckFVCGeorg C. F. Greve, Georg C. F. Greve, Kolab Groupware, Kolab Groupware shared this.
2013-03-01T15:19:31+00:00 in Zurich, Switzerland To: Public
Arthur Schiwon likes this.
Kolab Groupware, Kolab Groupware shared this.
2013-02-28T14:00:07+00:00 in Zurich, Switzerland To: Public
MyKolab.com webmail now displays #ODF attachments right in your browser http://mykolab.com #OpenDocumentGeorg C. F. Greve, Georg C. F. Greve shared this.
2013-02-19T10:53:53+00:00 in Zurich, Switzerland To: Public
Kolab Systems wins Swiss #security specialist Dreamlab Technologies as new Investor http://bit.ly/15rDrXzGeorg C. F. Greve, Georg C. F. Greve shared this.
2013-02-18T09:53:38+00:00 in Zurich, Switzerland To: Public
Kolab Groupware Solution presented at #CeBIT 2013 http://bit.ly/12Bhq9bGeorg C. F. Greve, Georg C. F. Greve shared this.
2013-02-11T11:20:44+00:00 in Zurich, Switzerland To: Public
The German @heiseopen mentions our new http://mykolab.com service: http://bit.ly/U533WLGeorg C. F. Greve, Georg C. F. Greve shared this.
2013-02-06T11:56:17+00:00 in Zurich, Switzerland To: Public
Article on @honline "Beta of hosted Kolab groupware service launched" http://bit.ly/12sAshI2013-02-06T11:52:33+00:00 in Zurich, Switzerland To: Public
German @prolinux_de magazine writes about our new mykolab.com hosted Kolab service: http://bit.ly/12sA1Ea2013-01-31T13:19:24+00:00 in Zurich, Switzerland To: Public
Make it Your Kolab: We just launched http://ur1.ca/cnxhk public beta. Register your account now! http://ur1.ca/cnxhlKolab Groupware, Kolab Groupware shared this.