2015-12-27T20:13:47Z via Identi.ca Web CC: Public
2014-08-05T19:45:14Z via Identi.ca Web To: Public CC: Followers
With equality, government basically says, “Do whatever you want, and we can’t tell you it’s wrong unless it violates equality itself — you know, murder, rape, kidnapping, assault type stuff.”
http://www.amerika.org/science/the-void-of-the-self/2014-08-05T19:44:32Z via Identi.ca Web To: Public CC: Followers
Nota reciente de la conmemoración de la masacre de Lod, donde 17 boricuas fueron asesinados en un ataque terrorista orquestrado por el Frente Popular para la Liberación de Palestina.2014-08-05T19:40:33Z via Identi.ca Web To: Public CC: Followers
"These liberal elites seem particularly troubled by the Asian-American work ethic and the difficult questions that it raises about the role of culture in group success."
http://nypost.com/2014/07/19/why-nycs-push-to-change-school-admissions-will-punish-poor-asians/2014-08-05T19:39:16Z via Identi.ca Web To: Public CC: Followers
Guilt-mongering manipulation explained. http://esr.ibiblio.org/?p=21222014-08-05T19:38:24Z via Identi.ca Web To: Public CC: Followers
So my mom should've been arrested for letting me ride my bike around the neighborhood when I was that age? http://reason.com/blog/2014/07/14/mom-jailed-because-she-let-her-9-year-ol2014-08-05T19:37:37Z via Identi.ca Web To: Public CC: Followers
Modernity celebrates unmanly men. http://alternative-right.blogspot.com/2014/07/so-rude.html2013-07-14T20:53:41Z via Identi.ca Web CC: Public
2013-04-07T22:40:12+00:00 via Gwibber To: Public
test2013-04-02T04:16:54+00:00 via Turpial To: Public
Music Fans Aren't Owners? Court Finds Redigi Music Resale Service Infringes Copyright https://eff.org/r.3bNz2013-04-02T04:10:48+00:00 via Turpial To: Public
If a band—esp a "metal" band—is described as post-[something], they're probably pretentious indie rock hipsters posing as metal. #justsaying2013-03-31T00:02:08+00:00 via Turpial To: quotes, Public
The belief that weaponized drones won't be used on US soil is patently irrational. Glenn Greenwald !q http://ur1.ca/d7tx2William Purcell likes this.
2013-03-31T18:12:10+00:00 via mbpidgin To: quotes, Public
Often people ask "what is the alternative to religion as a philosophy of life," and the emphatic answer is: humanism. AC Grayling !qEd G. likes this.
2013-03-31T17:59:24+00:00 via mbpidgin To: Atheist Group, Public
The God Argument: An Interview with A.C. Grayling http://ur1.ca/d8391 !atheist2013-03-30T18:08:06+00:00 via web To: Public
#Overkill - Feel the Fire: a classic thrash metal album that turns you into an air drummer when you're trying to type.2013-03-30T03:42:13+00:00 via mbpidgin To: Atheist Group, Public
#Pope's foot-wash a final straw for traditionalists ur1.ca/d7mdf Washing men's feet is OK; women's feet, not OK. #wtf !atheist2013-03-29T17:35:57+00:00 via mbpidgin To: Richard Stallman Political Notes, Atheist Group, Public
2013-03-29T17:24:54+00:00 via mbpidgin To: Atheist Group, Public
Ed G. likes this.
2013-03-28T21:37:26+00:00 via mbpidgin To: Public
Boston College warns 'no condom distribution on campus' ur1.ca/d78to ie you shouldn't have sex, but if you do, we want you to get STDs.2013-03-28T01:46:14+00:00 via mbpidgin To: Atheist Group, Public