laurelrusswurm laurelrusswurm@identi.ca
the interwebz
I'm a self publishing author, free culture advocate, media artist and a mom. ⇐ Author page: http://laurel.russwurm.org/blogs/ • Libreleft Books http://libreleft.com ⇓—————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————— ⇒ just now my GNUsocial Instance is under construction (http://s.russwurm.org/laurelrusswurm) | email: laurel.l@russwurm.org ⇑
gnubrunswick gnubrunswick@pumprock.net
Sonata Green Sonata_Green@fmrl.me
I'm into free culture, glowfic, and witchcraft. Pronouns: she, her. My blog is at https://sonatagreen.com/. This account is mostly unused except for automatic crossposts from my Friendica account at https://friendica.sonatagreen.com/profile/sonata.
marxistvegan marxistvegan@fmrl.me
fsf outreach & communication coordinator member-worker glocal.coop co-host cyberunions.org
Ike heluecht@identi.ca
Da hotpump.net schon seit mehreren Wochen down ist, wird das hier jetzt zu meinem primären pump.io-Account. Sollte dieser Server dann auch mal für längere Zeit down sein, wird pump.io für mich Geschichte sein. Wer mich zuverlässig lesen möchte, kann mich von Friendica, Diaspora, GNU Social Hubzilla und Mastodon über die Adresse heluecht@pirati.ca erreichen.
Claes Wallin (韋嘉誠) clacke@microca.st
Hong Kong
Linux native since 1995. Working in Ruby, shell scripts, whatever gets the page up. Solving yesterday's problems tomorrow.
Free Culture Foundation freeculture@identi.ca
The mission of the Free Culture Foundation is to bring an end to the subjugation enabled by private ownership over media, ideas, and technology.
Carlos Solís csolisr@identi.ca
Santa Ana, Costa Rica
Estudiante de informática de la UCR. Libreculturista, geek, auxlanger, otaku, gamer y traductor-adaptador... con poco tiempo libre.