
Happy Victorial Day!

laurelrusswurm at

Today Canadians celebrate our late great Queen Victoria with fireworks!

The poem I learned from my Mom when I was a kid was:

 "The twenty fourth of May
is the Queen's birth day
If we don't get a holiday
we'll all run away!"

So I have been mightily annoyed to discover, as an adult, that they go out of their way so as to *not* celebrate it on the 24th.  

(Oh, and just so you know, Queen Victoria was long dead by the time my Mom was born... I'm not *that* old :)

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For those who are interested, I've programmed hourly Victoria Day posts in my Tumblog for the rest of the day :)

laurelrusswurm at 2014-05-19T15:11:53Z

I really like the one of tulips contrasting the statue in the park :)

aether at 2014-05-19T19:45:40Z

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