Every time I wonder:
why do most blog themes fail to utilize the screen real estate effectively?
I have spent the day battling with the #Wordpress Twenty Fourteen theme. The theme claims to it can have full-width pages, but I have been through all the menus multiple times with no luck.
I've even changed the allowable media size to allow 1600 pixel width to no avail. And tried manually typing the desired width in the html. Nada.
Next, I tried a plug in called "Fourteen Extended" that is supposed to let you actually use the whole screen. No joy.
After that I went a-searching, and found what sure looked to be the solution in the Wordpress forums, One guy solved the problem of using the whole width of the main part of the page, and another guy managed to extend the theme border. I copied the code provided and made a child theme, but still no luck.
No matter what I do, even when I upload the 3000+ pixel width original size image, the maximum width any image will display in the blog is 474 pixels wide. The fixed width text won't exceed that either. That heaves a ridiculous amount of white space.
In an effort to save my sanity, I took a break to explain how to change the code on my techDITZ blog post "Licensing your Tumblog.
Can Tumblr really be easier to configure than WordPress?
Anywat, this exercise in futility took up my entire day. It wouldn't be awful if anything had worked, But nothing didm so I am vanquished. I give up.
So now I get to start over... I get the joy of blog theme shopping. To try to find a theme that does what I want out of the box, because i am not doing this again.
This should not be so hard.
why do most blog themes fail to utilize the screen real estate effectively?
I have spent the day battling with the #Wordpress Twenty Fourteen theme. The theme claims to it can have full-width pages, but I have been through all the menus multiple times with no luck.
I've even changed the allowable media size to allow 1600 pixel width to no avail. And tried manually typing the desired width in the html. Nada.
Next, I tried a plug in called "Fourteen Extended" that is supposed to let you actually use the whole screen. No joy.
After that I went a-searching, and found what sure looked to be the solution in the Wordpress forums, One guy solved the problem of using the whole width of the main part of the page, and another guy managed to extend the theme border. I copied the code provided and made a child theme, but still no luck.
No matter what I do, even when I upload the 3000+ pixel width original size image, the maximum width any image will display in the blog is 474 pixels wide. The fixed width text won't exceed that either. That heaves a ridiculous amount of white space.
In an effort to save my sanity, I took a break to explain how to change the code on my techDITZ blog post "Licensing your Tumblog.
Can Tumblr really be easier to configure than WordPress?
Anywat, this exercise in futility took up my entire day. It wouldn't be awful if anything had worked, But nothing didm so I am vanquished. I give up.
So now I get to start over... I get the joy of blog theme shopping. To try to find a theme that does what I want out of the box, because i am not doing this again.
This should not be so hard.