Léa-Linux lealinux@identi.ca
Léa-Linux est un site d'aide francophone et bénévole pour GNU/Linux (Ubuntu, Mageia, Debian, Fedora...).
Richard Stallman Political Notes rms@identi.ca
Cambridge, United States
These are automatically posted from my blog. I don't read messages on identi.ca, please email me -- rms@gnu.org instead.
Thomas Petazzoni tpetazzoni@identi.ca
Linux embarqué, promotion du Logiciel Libre, OpenStreetMap, etc.
Blabl balba charlesvinchon@identi.ca
LinuxFr.org linuxfrorg@identi.ca
Saint-Georges-la-Pouge, France
Nouvelles francophones sur Linux et le logiciel libre/opensource, et sujets afférents
Simon Descarpentries siltaar@identi.ca
Saint-Georges-la-Pouge, France
La liberté ne s'use, que si l'on ne s'en sert pas.
The Linux Foundation linuxfoundation@identi.ca
San Francisco, United States
The Linux Foundation is a nonprofit consortium dedicated to fostering the growth of Linux.
La Quadrature du Net laquadrature@identi.ca
Internet & Libertés – Defending citizen rights and freedoms, fighting Internet control and the war on sharing, protecting the free Internet.