Ned Ludd ludd@identi.ca
Leicester, United Kingdom
In 1779, Ludd is supposed to have broken two stocking frames in a fit of rage. After this incident, attacks on the frames were jokingly blamed on Ludd. When the "Luddites" emerged in the 1810s, his identity was appropriated to become the folkloric character of Captain Ludd, also known as King Ludd or General Ludd, the Luddites' alleged leader and founder.
Mattia Migliorini deshack@identi.ca
Dueville, Italy
Web Designer freelance, Blogger, Linux addict, membro del Gruppo Web di Ubuntu-it, socio di 2viLUG.
Pordenone Linux Users Group pnlug@identi.ca
Pordenone, Italy
Il Linux User Group di Pordenone è uno dei tanti LUG Italiani, ma con una marcia in più..
Italian Linux Society italinuxsociety@identi.ca
San Donato in Fronzano, Italy
Account ufficiale di Italian Linux Society (per gli amici, ILS)
Federico Fissore federicofissore@identi.ca
New Linux Counter Project newlinuxcounter@identi.ca
Kaufbeuren, Germany
The New Linux Counter Project will replace the good, old Linux Counter Project on counter.li.org soon.
Giacomo Russo giako87@identi.ca
San Pietro in Lama, Italy
I'm a computer engineer, software developer, a GNU/Linux and Ubuntu enthusiast, a technologist and trance music fan. http://about.me/Giako