Wilderman Ceren m0n0@identi.ca
Cartagena, Colombia
computers engineer & telecom specialist. unix experience with gnu/linux / bsd consultant
Command Line Magic at 2012-09-18T18:02:01+00:00
ls -lSr -I '*.tar.gz' # Use the -I option to exclude the files matching pattern. So in this case, don't list tar.gz files.Wilderman Ceren likes this.
Wilderman Ceren, Wilderman Ceren shared this.
linuxaria at 2012-08-04T22:00:15+00:00
[RT] Introduction to #EncFS, Encrypted Filesystem #security #linux #ubuntu #filesystem http://ur1.ca/6o9bzWilderman Ceren likes this.
Morten Juhl-Johansen Zölde-Fejér at 2010-09-15T04:16:56+00:00
@railcar88 I plan to run !OpenBSD & !Xfce when next version is out. My point was: I need a low-spec live CD to check HW compatibility.Wilderman Ceren likes this.
Aaron Toponce at 2010-08-05T23:07:51+00:00
create a 10GB sparse file instantly with #dd: dd if=/dev/zero of=/tmp/foo.img bs=1G seek=10 count=0 !linuxgerlos, Wilderman Ceren likes this.
Wilderman Ceren, Wilderman Ceren shared this.
@eightyeight Nice! I never tried it with count=0, always did bs=1 count=1 seek=$((2**30-1)). Your way is nicer. :-)