Maik Beckmann maikb@identi.ca
Rajit Vikram Singh at 2012-03-10T19:43:39+00:00
@maikb Amen to that! PKGBUILDs are divine and beautiful! :)Maik Beckmann likes this.
Rajit Vikram Singh at 2012-01-13T20:04:17+00:00
!KDE pro-tip: Use Ctrl+Esc global shortcut to quickly launch the System Activity monitor/manager. !ChakraMaik Beckmann likes this.
François Marier at 2011-09-20T22:12:55+00:00
My favourite !git command of the week: git status -sb (more at http://ur1.ca/0u5tg)Maik Beckmann likes this.