Mann Clay mannclay@identi.ca
Brooklyn, United States
I'm a Browser Hacker and Brooklyn Philosopher. You know what you are not, what you ARE you cannot KNOW.
2012-10-03T13:50:41+00:00 To: Public
remote streets saying last hints reoccurring broken voices awaiting an address forgotten common universe of sense surrounded by Aleph-Zero2011-10-08T00:10:57+00:00 To: Public
(? yup, me waiting) thats me peeling rotting slices of myself older than the address born among whispers and twists of time2011-09-30T03:51:33+00:00 To: Public
The single greatest beauty of humankind is frankness2011-07-20T04:48:41+00:00 To: Public
(? SELF nudging YOU for attention) how can you really ignore your SELF - in sleep are you ignoring yourself? a supposed sole vital constant?2011-07-19T14:40:51+00:00 To: Public
my attempt for what i am not - a stolen formula how like violent life lonely phrases to make do spreading the long now #micropoetry2011-07-19T14:33:44+00:00 To: Public
variety language world’s dead broken idea lives on through cold eyes wiped from my sleeve torn shoes head house audience empty #writing2011-07-19T13:32:40+00:00 To: Public
practice a name you never learned to use a presence felt as cold eyes towards news fading memory drifts in the brain. #mannclay #micropoetry2011-07-19T13:20:01+00:00 To: Public
(? you simply cannot play the human game without body as flesh and first theory) sing cosmologies tearing the sky with questions #mannclay2011-07-18T14:10:27+00:00 To: Public
married couple paid a stolen life impossible to estimate the years waiting professed in dreams aporia all the best #mannclay #micropoetry2011-07-18T14:04:04+00:00 To: Public
wounded planet follows delicate self across an ancient scream greatest of all human deceptions overdose of thought #mannclay #micropoetry2011-07-18T13:54:24+00:00 To: Public
( ? and so who am I ) you are the complete denial of all that you are not. #mannclay #philosophy2011-07-18T13:52:59+00:00 To: Public
(! same dominance exploited as the compound of flesh disregarding the timelessness of awareness #mannclay #philosophy2011-07-18T13:50:36+00:00 To: Public
(? in order to play the game of life there must be a dominance for becoming and this dominance begets the flesh) #mannclay #philosophy2011-07-11T15:22:29+00:00 To: Public
hollow theaters preformed space taken modern activities occupying more space compromise to stay silent young death #mannclay #micropoetry2011-06-30T15:29:22+00:00 To: Public
an embodied galaxy rather than embodied flesh stuff - we would still bitch out the same entelechy of questions #mannclay #philosophy2011-06-30T15:24:41+00:00 To: Public
first wound is enough watch torn hate flap in the wind flicker in sunlight pieces of fear abandoned from travel plans #mannclay #micropoetry2011-06-25T19:53:57+00:00 To: Public
empty pockets under drunk sun aging from a status shift carrying conversations world's mirror passes don't look back #mannclay #micropoetry2011-06-25T02:52:21+00:00 To: Public
just sit down on zero soon after soaked in clouds Bronx disguise young performance in your movies for the last time #mannclay #micropoetry2011-06-24T12:28:46+00:00 To: Public
noticed you free alone as soon as you move you have to get there without screaming your way there old school silence #mannclay #micropoetry2011-06-24T00:27:55+00:00 To: Public
day dies the assassin lives in our future yours obtained get those pictures out of here your fear gathers at our feet #mannclay #micropoetry