2013-03-04T22:19:47+00:00 To: Public
A couple good articles about Systems Engineering and Automation by @allspaw that I only just found now http://ur1.ca/cyqnq2013-03-04T22:17:32+00:00 To: Public
Google Wants Your Next Password To Be A Physical One http://ur1.ca/cyqn6 (and here's the paper: http://ur1.ca/cyqn7 )2013-03-04T22:15:45+00:00 To: Public
Dealing with internet history in 20 verses, nice! http://quietbabylon.com/2013/algorithmic-rape-jokes-in-the-library-of-babel/2013-03-03T21:01:52+00:00 To: Public
No one likes a critic and especially not those who do not do any value addition. So where are auditors going wrong? http://ur1.ca/cyf362013-03-03T14:19:40+00:00 To: Public
I can follow the observations, but I can't imagine what David Gelernter's future will look like. Maybe you can? http://ur1.ca/cya472013-03-02T12:28:59+00:00 To: Public
There’s your high-level plan on how to get into the enterprise. Well done, #splunk http://ur1.ca/cy0442013-03-02T12:28:15+00:00 To: Public
Sounds like half-assed Agile – and as such might work well in a surprisingly big number of organizations http://ur1.ca/cy03w #yammer2013-03-01T22:47:49+00:00 To: Public
Open Source Strategies for Software Vendors http://www.dbms2.com/2013/03/01/open-source-strategies/ Good Stuff2013-03-01T20:10:01+00:00 To: Public
Google’s Vint Cerf talks identifiers vs. pseudonyms online http://ur1.ca/cxtlo Although ZDNet's article is mostly about smart PKI devices2013-03-01T20:08:40+00:00 To: Public
How would a #NoFirePolicy affect your company? http://ur1.ca/cxtle Wow, just wow. Imagine the possibilities!2013-03-01T20:07:48+00:00 To: Public
Interview with Nick Chamandy, statistician at Google http://ur1.ca/cxtl1 Good read if you’re interested about data analytics at scale2013-02-28T23:04:29+00:00 To: Public
Pushing back against licensing and the permission culture http://ur1.ca/cxjw3 What about Public Domain?2013-02-28T21:36:19+00:00 To: Public
Big Data brings intelligence-based security, RSA chief says http://ur1.ca/cxjai Another industry where Big Data changes everything… not2013-02-28T08:34:49+00:00 To: Public
NuoDB’s Pluggable Cloud Database http://ur1.ca/cxcoa Shot against Oracle… well done, but not answering the call for Oracle compatibility2013-02-27T22:56:13+00:00 To: Public
PayPal Co-Founder Levchin Launches New Payments Startup, Affirm http://ur1.ca/cx8qh Is it enough to justify adding another service?2013-02-27T20:17:03+00:00 To: Public
Gartner’s 2012 Magic Quadrant for Data Warehouse Database Management Systems commentary & link by @CurtMonash http://ur1.ca/cx7lk2013-02-27T20:15:30+00:00 To: Public
Cloud’s risks spur ‘notorious nine’ threats for 2013 http://ur1.ca/cx7l5 All IT threats except #8 Insufficient due diligence!2013-02-27T07:43:10+00:00 To: Public
Cloudera who? Intel announces its own Hadoop distribution and is working on an Open Source Hadoop security stack http://ur1.ca/cx1ft2013-02-26T22:56:37+00:00 To: Public
A new currency payment system is about to explode http://ur1.ca/cwxs1 It’s not #bitcoin