Marc Canter marccanter@identi.ca
I started a company called macroMind which became Macromedia. I'm the CEO of Broadband Mechanics and an open web advocate.
2012-07-14T16:03:35+00:00 in Shaker Sq, Ohio, United States To: Public
Thinking about how to do distributed networks - right.Mike Linksvayer likes this.
Show all 6 repliesImagine NING done right - where groups cut across networks and inter-network communication happened....We must show VALUE for the extra work required.But its the ghost town affect I wish to discuss-you have to give people a REASON to care.WHY do I come to Identi.ca? In this case - for a very specific reason. Each vertical NING gave people reasons to return.2011-04-15T13:56:42+00:00 To: Public
the beginning of the end for Twitter: http://www.businessinsider.com/ubermedia-twitter-rival-2011-4 - congrats to Evan for being a visionary2010-06-01T20:47:23+00:00 To: Public
yo yo yo - I'm here to hear what my homeboys are doing in "the diaspora"2009-05-21T16:41:44+00:00 To: Public
IN Amsterdam - just finished three hour peer review with Dan Brickly - time to get geselig2009-05-19T10:41:11+00:00 To: Public
In Kotrijk, Belgium - about to present the first version of my new pitch "How to build a Digital City"2009-05-17T05:09:32+00:00 To: Public
back home after a hella day here in Ohio. Drove down to Columbus and back.2009-05-15T22:49:13+00:00 To: Public
thinking about 'Family Activities' &how to include my kids and their grandparents in shared calendars, awarding points & social networking.2009-05-15T18:13:38+00:00 To: Public
I'm here in Cleveland, in the Collinwood neighborhood - really known as the 'Beachland' hood getting ready to listen to some Reggae tonight.Evan Prodromou likes this.
2009-02-06T21:53:24+00:00 To: Public
trying out the new Facebook appHey, look! It's @marccanter. Nice to see you here, Marc!Talking to @marccanter about worm tractorsIf you're at #webcom, please ask a question in our final panel! @marccanter @chanezon Allen Tom and me. All about the Open Stack.