GNU MediaGoblin

GNU MediaGoblin at

Project Gooseberry and Why it Matters from our friends at the Blender Foundation. Gooseberry is a free culture production, making a fully open movie feature length film using fully free tools. (This time even the audio pipeline!)

If you haven't checked out the Gooseberry site, lots of cool stuff going on over there. Highly recommended.

Maybe a bit unconventional to say given our own campaign at the moment, but consider taking the time to head over and considering supporting it. It's a good cause for sure... will really help advance libre graphics, as well as making a fun movie!

Owen Shepherd, Evan Prodromou, Mike Linksvayer, Christopher Allan Webber likes this.

Mike Linksvayer shared this.

I prefer the MediaGoblin campaign as it doesn't use the superfluous word "model" after "business". :) Ok ok ok...

Both are really important and excellent! Give.

I don't really think promoting other campaigns during one's own is really unconventional, or won't be given that there are always zillions of campaigns going. Promoting other campaigns is largely just another marketing tactic. There will be seminars on doing just that. Not saying you have this cynical motive at all, just that it'll be de rigueur in one internet cat video year, ie before I finish typing.

Mike Linksvayer at 2014-03-28T19:22:07Z

Christopher Allan Webber, Doug Whitfield likes this.