Tim Mannveille metatim@identi.ca
2013-05-31T15:33:19+00:00 via feed To: Public
metatim: Things I liked lately, featuring Beethoven played properly, robots vs human prosperity, and lots of exciting c…2013-04-12T13:02:36+00:00 via feed To: Public
metatim: Evil cat, folk games, games and stories, hyperlapse, Kickstarters I recommend - it's time for Things! http://t.co/MSdavoydrc2013-03-28T14:52:01+00:00 via feed To: Public
metatim: Why do headlines tell us men have more heterosexual partners than women, when that's clearly impossible? I fou…2013-03-05T13:27:40+00:00 via feed To: Public
metatim: You know the TV Tropes 'Unflinching Walk'? And then you add a transforming dress: http://t.co/CMzCKivFSM2013-02-19T13:38:03+00:00 via feed To: Public
metatim: A round up of links I like, featuring maps, time lies and lapses, 2 game recommendations, and 2 Tumblr tips: http://t.co/iB8jqOOw2013-01-10T22:07:49+00:00 via feed To: Public
metatim: After 6.76 years of weekly updates, I finished my webcomic, Devil May Dance. Here's an infographic I made abou…2012-12-03T11:42:29+00:00 via feed To: Public
metatim: @psymon_spark certainly am! Why?2012-11-23T12:13:23+00:00 via feed To: Public
metatim: Things I liked lately include a book called 'How to Land a Top-Paying BAGEL MAKERS job', and Frog Fractions: http://t.co/F1vlGK5d2012-11-12T10:02:45+00:00 via feed To: Public
metatim: Interested in a live-action thirty-player asymmetric-team zombie outbreak simulation game taking place Saturda…2012-11-12T10:02:44+00:00 via feed To: Public
metatim: Here's my write-up of the first run of that Zombie outbreak simulation megagame, 'Urban Nightmare': http://t.co/bgg2S12a2012-09-18T14:48:37+00:00 via feed To: Public
metatim: Updated the game of Competitive Sandwich Making and ran it on Friday - here's how it went: http://t.co/acqGXF5…2012-09-14T16:30:04+00:00 via feed To: Public
metatim: Competitive Sandwich Making, Bourne as avatar of modern professional despair, Cooking tips, etc: http://t.co/cogudsga2012-09-13T20:26:01+00:00 via feed To: Public
metatim: This weekend, if you can visit the Southbank Centre at all, then you should, because GAMES are happening! LOTS…2012-09-13T20:25:57+00:00 via feed To: Public
metatim: This includes Competitive Sandwich Making by @OctopusFruitbat which is, if I'm honest, 50% me: http://t.co/qa3JTuws2012-09-05T02:27:17+00:00 via feed To: Public
2012-09-02T15:16:32+00:00 via feed To: Public
metatim: My recommendations from #EdFilmFest http://t.co/TvqXgMI1 (in short: Berberian Sound Studio, which opens today,…2012-08-29T07:16:50+00:00 via feed To: Public
metatim: Playing "About A Blob". Start: absorb small items to grow your alien blob to 6.5cm in size. At the end of the …2012-08-24T18:48:29+00:00 via feed To: Public
metatim: Games at the Natural History Museum this weekend, what really is the deal with Lilith, a map of history, and P…2012-08-23T02:01:33+00:00 via feed To: Public
metatim: Making a game based on someone wearing a bucket on their head: http://t.co/qPQmrPsu Close-shaves an emergent p…2012-08-13T13:28:06+00:00 via feed To: Public
metatim: Crow sledding, "New reports we don't question are myths", and why the Linda problem annoys me: http://t.co/HhMCpoWJ