Jo Walsh metazool@identi.ca
Edinburgh, United Kingdom
Burned out hacker, yummy mummy, neogeographer, research data wrangler
2012-06-01T15:17:11+00:00 in Edinburgh, Scotland, United Kingdom To: Public
"Obliquely, I'm not a masochist", he wrote.Dr. Matt Lee shared by Jo Walsh at 2011-07-14T20:34:37+00:00 via twidroid To: Public
For the next hour I'll try and answer as many questions about the FSF and GNU as I possibly can.Dvd Mrsdn, Dvd Mrsdn, null, null and 2 others shared this.
Show all 13 replies@mattl So I have some questions for you: what is the FSF doing right, campaigns wise?Dr. Matt Lee at 2011-07-14T21:08:00+00:00
Jonathan Nadeau likes this.
If you get any of our newsletters -- email or printed -- do you like them? What could be done to improve them?Dr. Matt Lee at 2011-07-14T21:08:22+00:00
Jonathan Nadeau likes this.
@mattl It has been an hour. Please put down your pencils.Dr. Matt Lee shared by Jo Walsh at 2011-07-14T20:34:37+00:00 To: Public
For the next hour I'll try and answer as many questions about the FSF and GNU as I possibly can.Dvd Mrsdn, Dvd Mrsdn, null, null and 2 others shared this.
Show all 13 replies@mattl So I have some questions for you: what is the FSF doing right, campaigns wise?Dr. Matt Lee at 2011-07-14T21:08:00+00:00
Jonathan Nadeau likes this.
If you get any of our newsletters -- email or printed -- do you like them? What could be done to improve them?Dr. Matt Lee at 2011-07-14T21:08:22+00:00
Jonathan Nadeau likes this.
@mattl It has been an hour. Please put down your pencils.2011-06-28T15:35:17+00:00 in Edinburgh, Scotland, United Kingdom To: Public
retrieved phone from lothian and borders police lost property, grand HQ next to Fettes. Didnt miss more than the alarm in the last week2011-06-18T07:13:30+00:00 in Edinburgh, Scotland, United Kingdom To: Public
eating Coco Pops and reading Heidegger's "Building Dwelling Thinking" http://students.pratt.edu/~arch543p/readings/Heidegger.html@metazool A document crying out to be linked... Sadly it does not dwell on #smartspaces2011-06-16T02:18:01+00:00 in Edinburgh, Scotland, United Kingdom To: Public
3:15 am; birdsong2011-06-15T19:02:07+00:00 in Edinburgh, Scotland, United Kingdom To: Public
Seriously more or less impossible book hotel Geneva 22 - 25 June. Pls RT if yr friends may know someone there with sofa space?2011-06-14T21:27:17+00:00 in Edinburgh, Scotland, United Kingdom To: Public
K think have twidroyd set up to post through identi.ca ... Twitter starts to seem about as good an idea as Facebook. And as for gmail...2010-05-20T23:02:30+00:00 in Edinburgh, Scotland, United Kingdom To: Public
a meditation: to try to look at letters and see just shapes2010-05-20T20:37:34+00:00 in Edinburgh, Scotland, United Kingdom To: a(n) person, Public
a blog post introducing new @okfn Bibliographica project: http://blog.okfn.org/2010/05/20/bibliographica-an-introduction/2010-05-20T20:05:56+00:00 in Edinburgh, Scotland, United Kingdom To: Public
i gained insight into the workings of trac/fec accounting by poking at a spreadsheet. it just looks like arbitrary constant numbers!2010-05-20T18:35:12+00:00 in Edinburgh, Scotland, United Kingdom To: Public
one problem with twitter etc is that one drops links here then forget about them. plenty people only in email world. news gets old fast.2010-05-19T20:32:42+00:00 in Edinburgh, Scotland, United Kingdom To: Public
watching myself spam, also ruthlessly unfollowing anyone who talks about the coffee what they have just bought, which i guess i'll regret2010-05-19T20:31:37+00:00 in Edinburgh, Scotland, United Kingdom To: Public
so now wd need to refollow everyone on identi.ca and have parallel streams... *weep* these are the teens, people2010-05-19T20:30:35+00:00 in Edinburgh, Scotland, United Kingdom To: Public
experimenting w/ different OSX microblog clients. liked Nambu feel but Twhirl has StatusNet built in already, more 'morally right'2010-03-21T23:08:20+00:00 in Edinburgh, Scotland, United Kingdom To: Public
@klokancz @oscarfonts @RealIvanSanchez - en fin got JOSM WMS setup to trace NLS Edinburgh plans in OpenStreetmap - http://bit.ly/b7nPZ8 - ty2010-03-15T22:29:11+00:00 in To: Public
more OKF, "the cake test of data freedom" - http://bit.ly/9TSD4W - now should i thank the @FakeIvanSanchez or the @RealIvanSanchez ?2010-03-15T21:09:07+00:00 in Edinburgh, Scotland, United Kingdom To: Public
OKF / OSGeo response to the consultation on opening Ordnance Survey data - http://bit.ly/a8KhBF - ends March 17th. #osgeo #okfn #opendata2010-03-15T13:48:29+00:00 in Edinburgh, Scotland, United Kingdom To: Public
Notes on quality of linked data and geodata - http://bit.ly/9QfCeH - software inspired data testing, simple rules while building. Too long.