Michiel de Jong michielbdejong@identi.ca
Berlin, Germany
Bohemian webmaster https://michielbdejong.com/
2014-03-02T07:23:52Z via Identi.ca Web CC: Public
2012-09-17T05:53:09+00:00 in Berlin, Germany To: Public
Paying with your iPhone5: using barcodes instead of NFC http://ur1.ca/a9vhs http://ur1.ca/a9vgc2012-09-16T16:59:50+00:00 in Berlin, Germany To: Jan Wildeboer, Public
@jwildeboer getting connection refused on http://ur1.ca/a95cg2011-05-10T12:58:49+00:00 in Berlin, Germany To: Public
Launching http://www.federoni.org/ - our 'unhosted social demo app'2011-05-10T16:08:32+00:00 in Berlin, Germany To: Public
Is the Google IO live stream working for anybody? From here it looks like one of those vids that's unavailable in DE because of drm...2011-05-08T17:01:16+00:00 in Berlin, Germany To: Shane Marks, Public
Thank you @smarks for getting us mentioned in http://www.linuxoutlaws.com/podcast/205 (we're in minute 1:28 but listen to the rest as well!)2011-05-08T15:20:57+00:00 in Berlin, Germany To: Public
cannot load http://identi.ca/.well-known/host-meta. Origin http://dev.unhosted.org is not allowed by Access-Control-Allow-Origin.2011-04-27T08:48:43+00:00 in Berlin, Germany To: Unhosted, Public
@cramforce would like to talk about @unhosted at @hhjs on 30 May. Do you have a slot left? CC @foertel2011-04-27T07:46:29+00:00 in Berlin, Germany To: Unhosted, Public
@edokoa i know you'll do a great job managing the @unhosted identica+twitter account. Let's get it up to 2000 followers! Save the web.