2013-07-09T09:11:57+00:00 via mbpidgin To: Public
Installing VMware vsphere... mah.2013-07-09T07:59:53+00:00 via mbpidgin To: Public
Ciao!2013-07-02T14:42:34+00:00 via mbpidgin To: Public
Surely! We make backup! We make a dump every hour of hour db! $ du hourly.dump 0 hourly.dump Maybe I don't understand something.2013-07-02T14:42:06+00:00 via mbpidgin To: Public
Surely! We make backup! We make a dump every hour of hour db! $ du hourly.dump 0 dump Maybe I don't understand something.2013-06-25T13:25:20+00:00 via mbpidgin To: Public
Assioma: il legislatore è un completo idiota.2013-06-06T13:53:28+00:00 via mbpidgin To: Public
perl -e '{print 5686580520/5686580521, "\n"}', because real men don't eat quique!2013-06-06T13:29:07+00:00 via mbpidgin To: Public
Huston we have the same problem: mailq -- 35475 Kbytes in 13516 Requests. They think that delete mail queue is enough to fight spammers...2013-06-05T08:32:05+00:00 via mbpidgin To: Public
Hating #outlook more than ever, only an idiot could like it!2013-05-31T15:23:47+00:00 via mbpidgin To: Public
...non bastava la pioggia, ci volevano anche i testimoni di geova attaccati al campanello per 5 minuti, speriamo un fulmine li colpisca!2013-05-22T12:27:47+00:00 To: Public
Huston we have a problem: # mailq | tail -1 -- 40192 Kbytes in 19964 Requests.2013-05-22T23:46:18+00:00 To: Public
Justin Bieber got 100,000 retweets for tweeting "Live life full". That's just 3 random words. I'm going to try now: Viva la figa!2013-05-22T10:17:25+00:00 To: Public
It's really really true: #windows is a question, just answer no!2013-05-22T10:06:00+00:00 To: Public
2013-05-22T09:28:58+00:00 To: Public
2013-05-19T14:50:17+00:00 To: Public
Startups will save the world. A 404 after another.2013-05-15T20:27:32+00:00 To: Public
2013-05-15T18:44:54+00:00 To: Public
Carlo Piana shared by Micky at 2013-05-14T15:08:24+00:00 To: Public
So all of these signs have a windows installation and pay a licence? #fail https://plus.google.com/photos/115445134403759043734/albums/5877849075618412561/5877849074959090914Carlo Piana shared by Micky at 2013-05-14T15:08:24+00:00 via web To: Public
So all of these signs have a windows installation and pay a licence? #fail https://plus.google.com/photos/115445134403759043734/albums/5877849075618412561/5877849074959090914Debian Art shared by Micky at 2013-05-13T11:12:03+00:00 via web To: Public
#wallpaper debian 20th by @juliettetaka - Wallpaper for the 20th anniversary :) debian 20th http://ur1.ca/dtpp5 !debianMicky likes this.
kompatux3s, kompatux3s, Jesus Alexis, Jesus Alexis and 2 others shared this.
#Wallpaper for the !GNU/ !Linux !Debian 20th anniversary by @juliettetaka :) via @debianart 20th http://ur1.ca/dtpp5 http://ur1.ca/dtv5wJose R Rodriguez at 2013-05-13T03:14:46+00:00
Thomas PIERSON likes this.